Chapter55: The Ring

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Chapter 55: The Ring

*The Next Day*

As we had got to Boston late yesterday, we had gone for something to eat and came back to the bus.

Tonight was the Boston show. It was another big one. The whole Haggerty family would be there. Jackie had gone back to her mum and dads in Seattle to check on Abigail as they had been looking after her the past few shows.

It was now around 9am and only me and Ryan were up. Today was the day I would go and get Amy's ring. I was nervous, what if I get the wrong one and she doesn't like it? I shrugged the question off as I left a note for Amy on my pillow.

'I'll be back by 11, just going out with Ryan. I love you. - Ben x'

I lightly placed the note on the pillow and kissed her head. For a second I thought she was gunna wake up so I paused. When I realised she was still asleep I made my way out of the room.

"You ready?" Ryan whispered.

I nodded as we headed out the door and to a jewellers a few blocks away.

"How much are you gunna spend on this ring?" Ryan asked with a smirk.

"Im not sure. Obviously I want to buy her something beautiful and expensive, but I dont want her to think Im trying to buy her love" I said, biting my lip.

The door made a 'ding' noise as we walked into the shop. I could tell it would be quite expensive in here as there were display cabinets filled with sparkling diamonds everywhere.

I approached one cabinet and a certain ring caught my eye. It was a silver one with a small circular diamond in the middle. The band was just silver, and as it connected to the centre diamond it split into two individual bands. It was beautiful. I looked at some others and the man gave his reccomendations, but I couldnt stop thinking about the first ring I had seen. I knew Amy would love it. It was nothing too flashy, but still beautiful.

The man asked for Amy's ring size and I gave him one of her other rings that I had secretly taken whilst she was sleeping. He measured it up and told me that it was the perfect size but he would have to make a slight alteration but it would be ready in an hour or so.

Me and Ryan went to get a coffee whilst we waited.


We walked into Starbucks and ordered. As we waited for our drinks I noticed Ben had a huge smile across his face. He hadn't been this happy for ages and I was genuinely glad for him. He'd found the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and she was a lovely woman.

When we got our drinks we went and sat at a table near the window. Ben smiled down at his drink,

"Im so excited to give her the ring"

"I think she'll be more than excited to receive it." I replied.

"What if she says no?" Ben questioned as his smile turned to fear.

"She wont say no! Are you crazy? She loves you Ben!" I reassured him.

"I hope so" He played with his coffee in his hands.


I was kind of scared that Amy would say no, but a part of me was sure she would say yes. I pushed the negative feelings to the back of my head as I drank my coffee.

Ryan changed the subject,

"So, who's gunna be your best man?" He smirked, knowing it would be him.

I smiled,

"I really dont know man" I chuckled satcastically, joking, as he knew I was gunna say him.

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