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Chapter 78: the beginning.


Ryan and Jackie had left, and me and Ben had gone up to bed. We lay there talking. I lay in his arms and put my head on his bare chest as he played with my hair.

"Do you remember what we were talking about before that guy came along?" He asked me.

It was all a blur. I just couldn't remember.

"No, what were we talking about?" I questioned.

"Our future together. Kids, the wedding, everything." He smiled down at me.

"Yeah and you said that we should make some babies as soon as possible. You were very strict about that actually." He smirked and chuckled.

"Oh was I now?" I asked playfully, getting up on top of his chest and lovingly kissing his lips. He tried to pull my top off and I quietly giggled,

"Ben, my parents are next door.."

"Well, we'll have to be quiet then wont we" He winked before fully pulling my top off.

*the next morning*


I walked downstairs to get a drink for me and Amy and I saw Andrew sitting in the kitchen.

"Sup man" I nodded in his direction.

"Nothing much. But dude, if you're gunna get it on with my sister, please remember that im staying in the room next door and I dont want the image of you, ya know..doing it, in my head..." He shook his head.

Embarrassment washed over me and I felt my face go red.

"Okay man hahah" i laughed it off.

I turned to walk out but before I did I whispered to him,

"For the record, your sisters great in bed." I winked and laughed.

"Ewwwwww too far man, too far!" He scrunched his face up. I felt him cringe.

I walked back upstairs with Orange juice for me and Amy. I sat next to her in bed.

"We're totally busted. Your brother heard us last night..." I laughed.

Her facial expression wasn't the same. Her jaw opened and she went red.

"Thats so awkward omg" She took a sip of the orange juice.


WHAT THE FUCK. My brother heard me and Ben.... Well that would be an awkward conversation that I'd like to avoid for the rest of my life...

Last night was the first night since I'd been back that I haven't had the dream. It felt great to wake up refreshed and happy, rather than screaming and crying. Sleeping in Ben's arms helped me feel safe, and safe was the best feeling.

We got dressed and went downstairs.

"Right. Whilst im in town we're going suit hunting for your big day. I've called Ryan and he's good to go. C'mon." Andrew tugged Ben's arm.

"Woah woah okay" Ben chuckled.

"Um I guess I'll see you later then" i laughed.

He quickly kissed my lips before Andrew pulled him out.

A little time to myself would be nice I guess. I sat on the sofa and my phone buzzed. It was Jackie. I answered it.

"Hey Jacks"

"Hey, as the boys are going suit hunting do you maybe wanna go dress shopping? If you feel up to it of course!" She asked happily.

This was the best I had felt for a while so I didn't want to pass up this offer, especially with the wedding in a few months.

"Yeah sure that sounds great!" I smiled as I gave her my answer.

"Cool! I'll be round to pick you up in half an hour!"

We hung up.


Ryan had got a text this morning from Andrew asking if he wanted to come find a suit for the wedding with him and Ben. He was pretty excited. He loved dressing up all smart and plus he looked super hot in suits!

I thought I'd take the opportunity to ring Amy and ask if she wanted to go dress shopping, and also catch up on each others lives.

I was now on my way over to pick her up.

I knocked on her door and she answered with a smile.

"Hey you ready?" I asked her.

She grabbed her bag and nodded.


Me, Ben and Andrew walked into the shop. There were suits lined down both sides.

"This is gunna take a while" I laughed as I walked over to the first rack full of suits.

"So what colour are you guys thinking?" Andrew asked Ben.

He thought for a second,

"Grey I think. Like a dark grey-ish"

"You should wear a pink tie. Girls go crazy for that shit" I winked at Ben and he laughed.

"I dont care about any girl other than Amy." He simply answered.

"Aw thats cute" Andrew said sarcastically.

"I just wanna make her happy. It's her big day." Ben smiled.

"I appreciate that Ben. Aye we'll be related soon" Andy nudged Ben's shoulder.

"You're already my bro though" Ben patted Andy's back.

"Yeah your bro from anotha hoe" I tried to include myself in the conversation but I felt like an idiot when they both stared at me weirdly. Ben laughed and face palmed, whereas Andy continued to stare at me.

"Did you just call my mum a hoe?" He had a serious face on like he was gunna beat the shit outta me. Oh fuck.

He then burst out laughing,

"Im kidding man!!!" I breathed out when he said that. Ben laughed at me.

"Look Haggerty, just pick a suit boy!" I pointed at him as he still laughed.


I felt a smile cover my face as me and Jackie walked into the wedding dress shop. It sunk in that this was actually happening. I was marrying Ben. My eyes started to water.

"Hey hey whats up?" Jackie asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Im just so happy." I smiled behind the tears.

"Oh right. Good!" She smiled.

I spent a long time, running my fingers along each dress that hung on the rack. I stopped at one and pulled it out. It was beautiful.

"Im gunna try this one on" I smiled wide.

"That. Is. Perfect." Jackie's jaw opened.

I tried it on and Jackie zipped it up. As I turned around she covered her open mouth.

"You look beautiful Amy. Absolutely stunning!"

"I cant believe im marrying him. I remember when we first met. It feels like it's been forever but now I cant imagine life without him." I observed myself in the mirror.

"You've been through a lot." Jackie half smiled.

"I know. I just know I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

Jackie smiled.

The next chapter in my life was beginning..

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