Beat me black and blue

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   I love Justin.

i Truly do.

and after he hits me or hurts me, he says sorry.

he calls himself a monster.

He's not a monster.

And sometimes its my fault he hits me. I know how his temper is. Its my fault most of the time for acting so stupid.

When this whole thing started about 9 months ago..


I waited in mine and Justin's room ,he hasn't been home and isn't answering his phone.I sat up thinking I heard something. I heard the front door open and keys jingling. Next thing I knew was glass shattering everywhere. I ran downstairs startled . I reached to the living room and Justin was red and destroying everything. Everything fragile he broke.

"j-Justin?" I asked.

he didn't answer

''Justin what are you doing..what happened?" I questioned as I walked over to him attempting to grab his arm.

He pushed me away, ''go away'' he snapped

''Justin come on stop this'' I said softly while trying to give him a hug

Justin snarled and pushed me into the wall ''don't you know what go away means!"  he yells, I shrinked back In fear.

he gripped my arms and slapped my face  ''you worthless piece is shit....don't you listen!"

he let his venom fill the air. His words stung but my face STuNG more.

he pushed me on the ground ''clean this up!!"  he snapped while waving the mess over the floor

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