You again

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I finished examining my house and unpacking all my things then got ready for the photoshoot I'm going to have soon.

My eyes were really bright green today so I decided to pull my hair back into a tall braid with my long long hair and inserted light makeup. I put on a nude lipstick with tan eye shadow and an Angel wing effect added to my eyeliner. I reached into my closet and pulled out a gray jump suit with nerd glasses and brown ankle boots worn with gold bracelet's

I told Becky that I would be gone for a while and she pouted asking of she could come too. I accepted and then saw her in the reflection of the mirror. Becky  had  her beautiful blonde hair down that brought out her glossy blue-brown eye color and wore a cute floral print dress (like Ariana Grande's dresses) with flats.

We were just about to leave until my phone rang.

(S- Scott Michaelson -manager -K-Kalani)

K: What's up?

S: Hey , are you almost here? We have a bit of changes

K: Umm I was just about to leave? but what changes?

S: Well , The big boss of this  modeling company is coming in in  about 10 minutes, he said that he wants Famous celebrities modeling with each other. Soo...

K: So what?

S: Well, since your a celebrity, I have no idea who you'll be with so whoever it is, just be mindful and the usual great person you are ok?

K: Emm ok?

*Call Ended*

I honestly have NO idea why Scott sounded so worried.. did he just not have any trust in me?

Whatever it was, he was REALLY worried .. at least thats what it sounded like.

Becky and I headed towards the car and started exiting the gate.

About 3 black vans circled me right away.

"Shit" I mumbled

"What? " Becky questioned

"The damn paparazzi's"


**At modeling company**

Inside was freezing and I saw models absolutely everywhere. I saw Scott and he was talking to the boss looking pretty happy but yet not relieved. He walked over to me leading me my way to where I was to be dressed.

The kind lady put my hair down revealing my dark tanned skin. She then lined Red lipstick against my lips and took off my eye shadow putting a little bit of bronzer.

I was told to put on  a lace creme  "baby doll" (Victoria's secret seethrough sexy dress)

The creme  color with my red lipstick really brought out my skin tone and will look pretty in the bed.

Yes the bed. My scenery in this modeling shoot was suppose to look really sexy and if we were about to have sex.

I guessed that if I had to do a sexy scene in bed, then i obviously was gonna see a male celebrity ... I was hoping it was Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum but that hope ended until I saw who it was.

i was Walking even closer to that person with a robe over me because I wasn't  aloud to reveal my outfit until I was under the covers.

His cheeks burned red and he looked sexy. He was shirtless and  just wearing gray sweats,his hair was done the usual and I could tell he just got a fresh cut. He was wearing his earring along with his perfect abs.

I could tell he was really nervous by the way the stood but I didn't seem to care.

I still loved him but he needed to learn. I pretended I wasn't looking at him (which he fell for it) but I looked at the corner of my eyes every once and a while.

Becky sat down on the 'directors chair feeling all proud ...for no reason. I just chuckled.

By all meanings, I wasn't nervous. I was just upset that in was with him. He made me feel like 'Just' another girl in his life other than  me being 'the girl' in his life.

I saw that blonde stuck up bitch sitting at the corner of the shoot with Ryan. Justin saw me look at her and he got worried.

I finally met the bed and there he goes.

"I promise you, I didn't invite her, Ryan and I are fighting and scooter said he must come and bring a friend so of course he brought her to annoy me. Nothings going on between is, its you, only you."

Not giving him any eye contact, "Don't seem to care" I responded.

His smile turned into a frown.

"I love yo-" he was just about to finish until the director yelled "PLACES!"  Justin just sighed.

I lied on the bed horizontally and lied down on the pillow. The director told Justin to lean over me and grab my leg in a sexy move. He stared at me in a very deep loving look and I just stared  at his chest as the director said. I have to look sexy but cute which Justin found easy on me, while Justin had to look sexy, gentle, protective, and caring which 'outta be easy on him also.

I played with his gold chain hanging from his neck moving from pose to pose.

There was this one pose were the director directed Justin to rub my thighs and stomach. Justin had a caring sort of 'I miss you' look spreaded all over his face. I knew Justin didn't want to touch me because it was just respect coming out of him. He knew when he breaks up with a girl, you must still respect  meaning don't touch her.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful? your making me nervous." he nervously said.

I just smirked and lightly blushed with no comment. #^-^#

He chuckled while playing with my nose against his nose. I let out a laugh soon after getting pissed at myself for letting him get to me. Its not his fault he's so damn cute.

After the shoot I got dressed back to my normal outfit bumping into Justin.

"I love you" he said protectively holding my waist being cautious of me running away.

"Have a nice day handsome..." I said

Wtf?! Did I just say handsome?!!.

I was still in front of Justin telling myself how stupid I am. He noticed me talking to myself and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"C-can w-w-" he stopped.

"can we what?" I questioned scrunching my eyebrows.

"Never mind baby, i-i mean, Kalani!" he corrected

I let out a soft laugh.

"Jeezus Kalani why do you make me so nervous?!" he chuckled.

I Just stared trying not to laugh at how cute he was being.

Changing the conversation I asked.. "No, tell me, can we what?"

"Go to the Beach?" he answered. " i-i mean, if you don't want to we don't have to, I understand...we don't need to do anything special.. just talk?.. maybe so we can settle 'us'...I care about you so much, I don't wanna let  you go."

I thought for a minute or two.

"Umm sure, that'll be great!"

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