big mouth

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Ugh I'm so bored.Justin doesn't wanna hang out with me because he's cranky.Me and Olivia wanna hang out so badly, but Justin says no.Plus, I'm not gonna ask again, like I said...he's cranky.I sat on the couch watching spongebob reruns. I wasn't even paying attention  that's how bored I was.I stood up and walked up stairs to Justin.He was in his studio of course.I stood in the doorway and watched Justin. He was so perfect in every way.I wanted to ask him to come and hang out with me , but I was too scared, What if he's already angry?I stared at him as I got lost in my own thoughts.

''What?!" he snapped yanking me out of my trance

''n-nothing'' I stuttered and walked out the door.

''Kalani'' he  called sternly . I stopped in my tracks and turned back around In my heels heading Justin's door .

''yeah'' I asked

''Why don't you call Olivia or something,have her stay a while, I'm busy with work'' he said softly

''okay!" I cheered happily leaving the room but then turning back towards Justin.

''Uhhh I kinda need your phone to call her" I mumbled. He groaned slightly and gave his phone.

Justin had taken away my phone so I wouldn't tell anybody about ''us''

I swear this kid is so bipolar one minute he's all sweet and lovey dovey, the next he's a mass murderer.I sighed and texted Olivia to come over and she instantly replied she's on her way.And of course being olivia meant she had to add the most stupidest ad faces ever.I smiled and handed him his cell phone back and he turned around back to writing again.

''Thank you justin , l♥ve you ''

{Justin's P.O.V}

''thank you justin, l♥ve you '' she said in the most cutest voice ever.I can't stay mad at her when she's being all cute and fuzzy.I turned my chair back around to look at her

''I love you too babe'' I said . She smiled and turned back  around as if she just won a prize or something. I'm not scared to have Olivia over at all . Kalani never tells her about... the bad things...that happen. They basically just sit there and be loud.But I have to admit, Kalani's really cute when she's all hyper.Plus olivias the only person Kalani's aloud to talk to besides me.I know what your thinking, Kalani's only aloud to talk to people that i approve of.Its not because I'm scared she'll tell . Its because there's .... I don't know... theres some dangerous people out there? . I don't know I just don't want her talking  to other people.

The only reason why I allow Olivia around is because she keeps Kalani happy when  I'm not home or too busy.Kalani suffered from deppression  and tried go commit suicide not to long ago. It devastated me. Yet I still continue to abuse her. I don't call it abuse... I call it.... setting her in her place. She just needs to  know that I won't bow down to her.

But today feels weird. I feel like some big softy. Like I'll snap on Kalani and then feel bad for doing it.I must be in a good mood but lately I've been a bit.....horny? well Gee that's embarrassing to say. I don't know for the past two weeks every time I look at her body, her perfect curves, her fragile skin. I just wanna touch it.The sweet memories of her allowing me to touch her started flowing through my head.And I would just feel like I want her so bad.But you know how guys say after a while of no sex it doesn't matter who it is they turn them on? well not for me. Its just Kalani.

{Kalani's P.O.V}

I waited anxiously for Olivia. My heart fluttered  as I thought about when justin said he loved me . Every time he says it I nearly faint. But he's been a little... Horny?. I want to make

love with Justin . But only old justin. Not aggressive rough new Justin . Old Justin. I've had sex with him one time AFTER  he started beating me.He was rough and demanding. He used to be gentle and caring. Now he just throws me around like a scrap pillow. My face brightened as I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Olivia and we both shrieked as if we hadn't seen each other for years.But in reality we saw each other two days ago at school. But that's just us.

We basically sat there for 4 hours gossiping and joking and acting like idiots.She asked about Justin and I didn't share any of the bad stuff.Just the 'he's getting a little pushy and horny thing'She's  my best friend  I tell her everything . She was a little shocked witch doesnt surprise me at all. This girl would be shocked at a frigging potatoe chip.She automatically decided that she was pissed at Justin . Witch I tried to calm her down but she refused.Just then Justin came down the stairs like any normal person would . Shit. Olivia just automatically gave Justin the ''I'll  fucking murder you look''

"hey Olivia , Hey babe.'' he said casually. He went to the fridge and grabbed a water.He came over and kissed me at the top of my head .

''Don't fucking touch her!" Olivia snapped

He was surprised as was I ''What's your problem?"  he questioned.

''You, now shoo shoo you terrible piece of trash that doesn't deserve Kalani " She said with a cocky tone  .Oh my God is she trying to get me killed here?!

''Olivia what the hell are you talking about!" he snapped

''You know what I'm talking about !"she yelled

''Oh my , would both of you just stop'' I said politely

Olivia rolled her eyes ''ugh fine. I have to go anyway , see you at school tomorrow Kalani, love you''she said in a sweet tone.Yeah, if im not dead . I commented on my mind

She turned around before she walked out the door ''Justin'' she spat . Oh god minus well just shoot myself.

I turned to Justin after she left and saw his jaw locked and his fists clenched.

"what the fuck did you tell her?'' he  said harshly through his teeth

''nothing!" I swore

''Kalani you Lying  little whore '' he said walking towards me . I got up and started backing up

''Justin, I swear!" I rushed to speak quickly

''You stupid bitch, you're lying to me'' he roared

his feet quickened and before I knew it his rough hands were on my shoulders and he was shoving me back. My head was thrust against the wall . I winced holding in a screetch. just then I felt his fist meet my jaw. My face burned like hells fire as I hit the ground.

''You lied to me!" he yelled before thrusting his foot into my ribs.I yelped  in pain... witch only seemed to make him even angrier.

He came at me with his foot again. This time I crawled backwards

''Justin please'' I begged

''stop running away from me!" his voice boomed throughout the house

this time I felt his foot hit my temple. My cheeks hit the floor  with so much force I could feel the vibrations run through me

''DEAR GOD JUSTIN PLEASE STOP YOUR HURTING ME!"I pleaded and begged  as I sobbed hardly.He growled and stomped out of the living room.He made sure to turn the lights off too.He left me there crying and sobbing in pain in the dark. Begging for help as i sobbed  on the floor. I was in excruciating pain , I couldn't even move. A small drop of blood sat on the corner of my mouth. I held my stomach from the nonstop sharp pains . And he didn't even come out to apologize. He went straight to bed. He left me there on the cold hard floor in the dark in pain,sobbing, and pleading for help...... and he turned all the lights off  and immediately fell asleep...

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