Empty sheets pt2

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✴Its Thundering and extremely pitch black with high winds✴



''Justin stop" I whimpered.He held my wrist tight as he could pressing his lips hard against my neck leaving bruises.I started breathing heavily,My other hand frantically trying to pry his fingers off my wrist.His hold on my hands were cutting off my blood circulation.He mumbled a quick 'shut up'   before connecting his cold lips onto mine.I tried pushing him with my free hand but no luck.Nothing I did effected him.He put his other hand on my stomach pushing me back and started to squeeze my ass.He can't be drunk.....He wouldn't do this even if he was drunk.....he has to be on something.

" Justin stop!!!" I bellowed when he lifted his lips off mine to take a breath.He shoved as hard as he could and I fell back.I didn't think of the pain but I tried to scurry away.He took long steps towards me still with no emotion.

He grabbed my hair  tugging me up.I was crying as I locked my hand above my head to his wrist still clenching my hair." Stop!your hurting me!!!" I screeched.

" get up" he murmured. That's all he did.He kept saying calmly for me to stand up or get up.Eventually he yanked me to my feet  pulling me into our bedroom.The rain was hard.The mansion was pitch black.I couldn't see a thing.I felt his hands pull my shirt off swiftly.The next thing I knew my worst fear has bubbled to my surface........................................

Justin raped me.

I instantly knew what I'm going to do next.

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