Im hurting

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"Her injury isn't bad at all, she just needs some rest. But besides her injury,she seems to have a broken sack." The doctor informed.

my eyes widened at what  The doctor might say.

I couldn't speak because my throat hurt too much.

"Broken sack? what?" my brother and Justin questioned.

I wanted to stop him so badly.

"The broken sack was caused by a baby.."

my heart stopped because everyone knew. Including Justin. I stared at Justin in fright. He has a shocked face.

"Miss Valasquez,  did you ever give birth? or try?"

I just stood there. I swallowed in guilt.

"Kalani, can we talk?" Justin asked pulling me out of The room

"I dont wanna talk, I dont even want you here." I said

"look, I know I shouldn't have touched you, and again you have every right to be mad. Baby I lov-"

"Don't call me that! my name isn't baby it's kalani! "

*Justin sighs *

"that's fine. But I'm not giving  Up, I'm so sorry about that Stephanie thing,I was stupid"

"oh please just shut The fuck up dickhead - can I go now?"

"no" Justin said. "tell me about This baby thing. We Have to "

"I don't remember you telling me This, when did this happen, why did you hide this from me?! why did you hide My baby!" he questioned concerned.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay do you remember when I got in that car accident?" I asked.

"yea" he responded.

"Did The doctor ever say that she wasn't aloud to tell you something without my permission? " I mentioned

"ummm. yes.."

"well,I never had to tell you because w-we weren't married. Therefore,  I could do whatever I wanted with it"


*sighs*....."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell" he said again.

"i-i didn't kill it, The baby died as I was in The accident, I. didn't tell you b-because I was scared y-you might be mad....and also The baby is The reason why i-im sick" I teared up

"sick? w-what do you mean? and why would I be mad bab- I mean kalani... it wasn't your fault " he informed.

"The baby got me sick. I don't know with what yet,but my pediatrition told me I wasn't healthy... and that I was sick. I get really bad coughs, up to The point where I puked blood and I also get might fevers and pass out easily."

there was a moment of silence.

"I need to be with you,  you worry me and I care about you. I need to protect you- "

"NO! I want nothing to do with you! I'm trying to erase you from my mind!  I never want to think about you disgust me. I can't bare to share another laugh with you or even a hug.!" I hollered.

Justin stared at me in disbelief and started crying hard. He then left to The bathroom and that's when Khalil, Becky,Scooter,Julio, and a few others came out just staring at me.

Yeah,I know, This one sucks that's why I'm ending This book , idk What should happen next

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