Empty sheets

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Kalani's  P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and rain was pouring hard on the windows.I was tucked at the perfect temperature almost at heaven beneath the blankets.I didn't ever want to open my eyes.....but something was missing.My hands were searching beside me but  the bed sheets were cold and lonely.I opened my eyes and mentally whimpered  because Justin wasn't there.I was surprised I didn't see the golden rays of light shining through.Outside the clouds were covering the sky almost black.The windows were blurred due to the rock side rain drops on the window.I got up out of my cacoon  but mostly fell out cause of the lightning and thunder. Oh how wonderful being in the house alone while. Thunder crashes and Justin isnt  home. Not to mention the fact that I've been terrified of thunder and lightning since I was born.

My legs grew goosebumps as I stepped out into the cold temperature. I searched the house and couldn't find him anywhere.The only evidence was a note in his sloppy rushed hand writing.I carved out the letters with my finger .It basically said that he went to the studio to change something on his album.Still in Justin's shirt,I cuddled on the couch with a blanket trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to DIE.I flipped through the channel and then it started flickering n-no-no -no.

'Dammitt'' I heard someone mumble from outside.I jumped putting he flashlight towards the door.The stood Justin looking angry and annoyed.I got up from the couch and walked towards him with the flashlight still in hand.He looked up at me.His orbs showed pure annoyance and  something else.What was it? I cleared my throat trying to sound more confident than I already was.

''Justin?" he looked weird,not physically.Something about him looked worse than when he really beat me.It wasn't exactly the same.He had no emotion.

''turn the light off. ''he demanded

''why''I asked he slipped his shoes of his feet.I was for scared to turn the light off.He let the jacket fall off his shoulders and didn't respond.

''Justin....why??"  I asked one last time.He walked over to me and gripped my hand.I stared into his eyes as his thumb clicked it off.My hands went to turn it back  on,but his hands slid down to my wrists.Squeezing and squeezing until the light had fell onto the floor.

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