It only gets worse

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Kalani's P.O.V

it was 6 a.m  and I lied there on the floor. Cold and alone.It hurt every time I in/exhaled . Justin didn't come back like he usuallly does. I was exhausted and every time I blinked I saw the image of Justin's eyes last night...the pure coldness. He actually looked like he wanted to murder me.I swore to him that I didn't tell her anything.but he didn't believe me . I realized that Justin would walk out soon to go to work.Meaning he had to pass me.

at the thought I tried to get up but every time I moved, my body ached in pain.I  then heard a sound that made me shudder in terror.The deep sounding of steps coming down the hallway.I whimpered in fear because I knew what was gonna happen next.Due  to the fact that I couldn't get up, he was gonna get pissed thinking I'm just doing this to make him feel guilty.When in reality the truth was.....I couldn't move.I heard the screetch of his shoes stop and he walked over to me.

''What the hell are you doing?!" he said poisoning the air

''Justin...'' I whispered

'' well spit it out dumbass''  he spat

''i-i can't move''

''shut the fuck up and get up'' his voice echoed as his foot jammed into my back.

I sharply yelped and squeezed  my eyes. I have never felt so much pain.

His footsteps got farther and I heard the door open then slammed shut.Relief washed over me when he left.I struggled for 20 minutes trying to get up.Eventually after billions of times of me failing, I managed to get up.I  limped down the hallway wincing to the never ending pain that screwed through my body.

I finally made it upstairs to my bedroom opened a drawer and picked out ( a red bandana wrapped around my sleek hair with red converse a red tank top covered  by a cream throw and black skinny jeans)

I walked into the connecting bathroom being sure to lock it.I slowly started to remove my clothes.Tears started forming in my eyes as I saw my bruised body. There were at least three in my stomach. Two on my face and a bruised hand mark on my arm  from when he squeezed it.I put my head up and breathed trying to stop the tears, but I lost the fight and tears ran .I took a deep breathe and turned on the shower.I took easy steps in and let the water bead through my body.

When I got out the soreness of the bruises relaxed and my leg doesn't hurt as much. I guess I took a pretty bad fall and fell on something hard to make my leg feel like this.I Carefully put my clothes on and used make up to cover my face.I hid the bruises to the best of my ability.I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out.I tried not to put weight on my leg. I slightly limped and walked down the stairs . I put all my school stuff into my bag and heard Olivia's car. I drew in a breath as I readied my self to look fine.I faked a smile as I walked through the door.i struggled  to walk perfectly but the sincere pain caused me to whimper.

I opened the car door and was relieved to sit down again.Even though my thighs were sore, it still was better to sit than walk at the moment.

''Hey girl'' she squealed.

''hey!" I tried to say with energy.

''so what happened with Justin last night'' she questioned starting the car and leaving down the street

''nothing'' I lied

''you're lying'' she stated

''Seriously nothing we just cuddled and watched a movie'' I lied again

''I know you're lying'' she said creasing her eyebrows

''oh my hod Olivia I swear we cuddled and watched a movie ....nothing happened.''  I don't know why I was defending him. I didn't even feel anger towards him. I guess I was just send to it . He's right . I shouldve never told Olivia even the tiniest things.

''okay then '' she sang

I rolled my eyes and laid back.

''what's wrong with you today you seen weird'' she said

''gee thanks'' I muttered under my breathe.

''and its nothing Olivia I'm just tired'' I once again half lied

''he isn't like...pushing you to do anything right?" she asked concerned

''of course not Olivia you know Justin would never do that....ever'' I stated . and that one wasn't a lie.

''okay sorry'' she said Ina defeated tone

''hey did you do your homework for math?" I asked her

''we had homework??!" she questioned

she was shocked

we both laughed and she turned into the school

Justin's P.O.V

I couldn't stop thinking of Kalani.I was enraged last night.I beat her so roughly last night to the point were she literally begged me to stop.then I just went straight to bed and left her there.And when I woke up she was in the same position .There were red streaks down her face along with bruises. I couldn't see her arms and legs though. they were covered from clothing yesterday

it was 8:00 and Kalani would be at school right now.And now that I think about yesterday and this morning, I felt overly guilty.Now the image of seen her fragile body on the floor cold and helpless, didn't make me feel powerful anymore. I started daydreaming about what had happened

~5 min later

''Justin...'' I heard someone whisper

''Helllooo earth to international popstar'' I heard more loudly

I snapped my head up and looked at scooter. he looked at me like some crazy person.

''what'' I asked

''we've been trying  to talk to you for the past 5 minutes Justin'' he assured

I sighed and got up

''so whats wrong'' scooter asked

''nothing why would anything be wrong?" I concernley asked

''because you've been dazing off every 5 minutes.'' he scolded

''Well nothings wrong.'' I lied ''I'm just tired''

scooter chuckled under his breathe

''girlfriend troubles?" he questioned

''kinda'' I stated

he leaned in his elbows

''what's wrong maybe I could help'' he said

''nothing, you wouldn't understand'' I huffed

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