Enough is Enough

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I woke up to the pains aching all over my body.I look to my left and see Justin snoring like hell.I tried getting up quietly but honestly struggled.My legs werent visible.They were black and blue.

Justin Beat me black and blue.

I was wobbly but able to walk.Well,sort of walk.I ended up crawling but it got me out of bed right? Justin was knocked out.I guess from all that 'work' he did yesterday.I didn't even know if I had anything left for him.I was broken. He needed to know enough is enough.

I grabbed 2 suitcases and hustled as much as I could quickly and quietly.I put on some makeup on my face and neck and wore long ripped skinny jeans with a white t shirt and some black vans.My hair was  in a high pony tail. I was trying to look good in some kind of manner.I went out struggling to walk with my suitcases and realized I forgot my car keys.I went back in praying he wouldnt awake.I panically searched everywhere. The last place I looked was under Justin's pillow.I wasn't gonna risk it.I'd rather walk.

I left outside and sat under my favorite tree in the park about 3 blocks down.It was still damp outside from the rain yesterday. I had flashbacks from me and Justin. We had a lot of moments under this tree.He gave me a promise ring here.A promise to keep him in my heart forever.I will.He also gave me a kiss. " Our first kiss".

Tears streaked down my face.They ran down hard.I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I had to realize that I'm better than to be abused, and raped,and lied to.I started to think he doesn't love me.

Im just lost and scared and confused and heartbroken and in pain.

I just wanted to D.I.E so that's just what I might do.


Okay,I apologize for this being short, but this chapter is connected to the last one which is like medium length. I love u guys so much I'm honestly trying...I have bronchitis and I am in pain.Please don't comment about it being short it just makes me wanna cry cause u guys might be pissed but I love u i love u I love u guys n i'll update soon!

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