Love The Way You Lie

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Kalani's P.O.V

It stayed the same all this week.He would beat the shit out of me and then say he's sorry and that he loves me the next day.I don't even know what to do anymore.I don't eat  anymore. Well I guess I do its just , I have a very hard time eating.I turned very self conscious. I suppose you can say I'm depressed.If I tell ANYBODY about the abuse, I'd ruin his life. Literally.Plus I can't and won't tell.I love him too much.

What a wreck.My love life is a wreck.I just want normal Justin back.The sweet caring Justin.I remember in the beginning how he was.How carefree.He was never too busy to talk or hangout with me.And yes I know, he's Justin bieber.But what could he possibly need to do for EIGHT hours.But I've been a little suspicious lately...he started coming home late. Pshhh, who am I kidding, I'm probably just exaggerating.

Right now its 10:00 and Justin said he went out with his friends.He's probably out drinking again .I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid.....again.The public doesn't really know he drinks, but I do.I know its illegal in he U.S but with who he is, he'll get away.I waited anxiously in gray sweats and a red sports bra.I checked the time at least every five minutes.I stood up as I heard the sound of clincking  keys against the door.

Then the whole atmosphere changed as he stormed into the house.He reeked  of alcohol and I smelt the weed.He stumbled and had trouble putting his keys away.I stood there silently and still.He looked at me with his eyes growing darker and darker.He looked like he was at the point of no return.

I wanted to run, but my feet were like glued to the carpet beneath me.He came right up to me no hesitation with a blow of his fist coming up to my cheek.I didn't even cry really.I was just used to it.I thought he would have been done and satisfied but he kept on.That's when pain grew..then I cried.

He straddled my hips with his knees as pure terror  filled me when he wrapped his large hands around my neck.

I screamed as he started squeezing......and squeezing..... and squeezing i was begging for air,and  my lungs gasped for it.he didn't stop. I watched as a cruel,evil smirk of satisfaction danced on his face.My eyes started to roll on the back of my head.

''Justin'' I gasped  My hands were around his wrists trying to pull away but there was nothing I could do.I was about to die.I started going weak and my vision was getting blurry, every sound was an echo.

''Justin please'' I started to strain out.He didn't stop and he continued to chuckle.

He really hates me.He wants me dead.

''I love you'' I said right after I died.

( No I'm just joking)

I said right before I thought I was gonna die. It was so painful. Then it was a miracle.My lungs started reaching for air and the weight of Justin lifted.My throat burned like the fires of hell and tears started rushing.I sat up heaving and coughing.I didn't even pay attention to the fact that Justin was there.And he was.

He grabbed me by my wrist and slammed me into the wall making my head to drowsy.He still looks angered but in a different way.His gripped loosened and he looked pain.His hands slid up to my arms. And then my shoulders, then my face.He cupped my cheeks and put his forehead against mine. He whimpered like he got defeated.

''why do you do this to me?" he begged .I didn't know what do say.I wanted to comfort him.But I was slipping in and out of consciousness.My legs felt weak and I was going to fall before he caught me.Finally my whole head went back and I went limp.

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