Getting better

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Justin's POV

I woke up to the sun clashing against my face as I  was laying on the couch half asleep next to Kalani's hospital bed.

I saw her eyebrows clench up and her hands shaking suggesting she's having her 4th nightmare in the week she's been in the hospital.

She's been here a week, and she hasn't opened her eyes yet. But luckily, yesterday the doctor said she was suppose to wake up today.

Because of that I decided to go downstairs to go get her some roses and chocolates.

I got Kalani her favorite chocolate, Ferrero, and favorite  flowers the 'Picotee Yellow'

I was really exited to see her and whisper cute little things in her ear.

When I walked inside the room, there was nobody there.

I nervously looked around hoping nothing had happened. I set the flowers and chocolates down after seeing the bathroom door opened and the nurse in their with Kalani.

I rushingly ran to her giving her kisses all over her cute cuddly face.She giggled as tears fell down from her eyes.

Seeing that made me cry too

"I'll be out here" the nurse said.

I cuddled on the floor with her squeezing her to death as her tiny little body was being hovered over mine.

"I love you , I love you ,I love you, don't ever scare me like that again baby girl." I whispered putting her head in my chest.

She played with my golden chain.

"I love you too" she blankly said. Her voice cracked often and I could tell her throat was hurting and she had a bit of a fever. I knew it was normal for now because of this 'incident' but I had to keep an eye out.

*Packing up*

Kalani was just wearing a red crop top with white ripped skinny jeans and some chuck Taylors. Her hair was down and I could see it was irritating her.

I chuckled at the fact that she gets irritated at the tiniest things.

I grabbed the scrunchy (  <- that how u spell it?) off of her wrist and put her hair up in a high pony tail.

She looked relieved. I walked back to the suitcases until she grabbed me by my belt and swooped me in for a peck.

We both smiled and chuckled. I kissed her back on the cheek and the nurse then came in with packet of papers

"this all the information you'll need to take care of this young lady."

my face poofed  up when I saw the heavy stack

"your a hot mess!" I mentioned.

She just laughed.

I could tell she didn't feel good, I could also tell she was uncomfortable and tired.But most of all I KNEW she was hungry just because she eats as much as a man. But I just love her for that.

I walked over to give her her flowers and chocolates after surprising her with a long lasting kiss. We both started blushing and I hid my head in the crook of her neck.

**sniffles** " Oh my god Justin, *sniffles* I love u baby !, " she started breaking out in tears and her voice cracked.

Right now she was very sensitive because she's scared. I can see it in her eyes but I don't know why she's scared. So just to let her know I mentioned "Kalani'" I looked into her  bright green eyes "You A.R.E safe with me.You will always be safe."  I informed her, she nodded in fright.

I just wanted to save my special plans for her another day.

I don't think she's ready to be out in the public just yet. That's too much for her.

The papers said that she MUST stay away from being next to too many people. With her concussion, she may pass out. And all the noises that's in the hospital is already freaking her out badly so I'm just gonna take her home and make sure she takes a nice long hot bath (of course after eating because I know how she is) and then we are going to just cuddle under all the huge pillows she loves and the big soft comforter while watching movies in the dark.

*on the way out of the hospital*

There was a massive collage of paparazzi's outside and I KNEW this was going to cause  a major problem.

I called my best security guards and started exiting. I pulled Kalani extremely tight to my chest  and her eyes were shut while shes covering up her ears.

She was terrified.

I knew this wasn't going to last very long so I told the security guards to run and push people to the car.

We made our way and got inside.

The minute we got in Kalani pantered and hunched up with her knees to her chest.

I dont blame her. She just got out of a very bad coma.

I rested my hand on top of hers and drove away.

We were on our way home until we reached a car accident scene that caused traffic.

"shit!" I mumbled.

Of course where we had to stop was paparazzi's all around us. Literally.

Finally,there was a green light and I raced as fast as I could trying not to go to fast because that'll get Kalani nervous. Well, even more nervous.

°°Kalani's POV°°

Justin started pulling  up to our house, there were two police cars  and I saw somebody in handcuffs. They were searching somebody's car but I couldn't tell if it was Fredo , Ryan, Lil Za or Khalil.

I soon realized it was Khalil and that he was in big trouble especially because he was fighting with the cop.

Justin and I  ran over and  he tried calming Khalil down because he already hit the cop twice.

There were about three almost nude girls and about 50 guys all crowded around screaming different things.



then one of the nude girls screamed "FUCK ME JUSTIN!"  i got a little surprised but I was too weak to actually care. All I needed was food and a bed.

There was so much other comments being shouted I couldn't breathe.

Justin soon realized me and raced over to me leaving Khalil.He rapidly picked me up and  led me to peace and quiet.

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't know this was happening, please believe me" he shakily said

I had no comment just because my mind was bouncing off the wall but I knew it wasn't his fault.

More girls came running down the stairs in bikinis squealing  and squirting each other with water the house. And all I wanted was food.

The girls got close to Justin and Justin backed away hiding behind me thinking I'd slap them as much as I REALLY want to, I can't because I didn't see food anywhere. Its been a week.

Justin laughed and noticed what my point was and lead me to the bed saying he was gonna  make me a sandwich.

About fucking  time.

*Sandwich time*

he came back with the huge appetizing sandwich and kissed my forehead.

He looked a bit upset and worried but I didn't really pay attention at the moment.

I just kissed him that's all.

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