No.No Is My Answer

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"Get The fuck off me!,i don't want to see him!! uggghh stop this right now!" I said as Marcus sat me down on the couch tying my hands to the arm of the couch.

"No,you guys need to talk,there is no reason why you should be avoiding each other. You guys  know you love each other-And I'm mainly referring to you Kalani."

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I would never ever think Marcus would do this,he said he took my side not his.There was a moment of silence and I felt all eyes on me -including Justin's.

I know Justin didn't really mind what Marcus did because I know Justin enjoys seeing me at any given moment. I could see Justin from the corner of my eyes as I stared at Marcus in a devious way. I really wanted to choke him right now.

Justin was also tied up to a chair. His eyes were staring at me with so much passion and he couldn't dare too look away. I didn't look at Justin considering the fact that I was admiring an image of  my hands around Marcus' throat,but sadly he was too far away.

Its been about five minutes already of everyone staring at me and I started feeling uncomfortable. I wanted to say vicious things about absolutely everyone that wasnt helping me-even Becky.

"Let me go so I can leave this hell hole." I said calmy as I gritted my teeth.

"Not until you forgive Justin. Not until you guys hug and kiss and makeout-even possibly be a little personal with each other ." Marcus insisted while rolling his eyebrows.

"Really?" Justin questioned leaving his eyes off me finally.

Marcus just nodded.

"Marcus your so fucking ridiculous ,if you only knew how bad this is hurting me, I'm being set up by all my closest friends so I can 'get back together' with Justin. Yeah Justin remember why we really broke up? huh? do you? Do you realize how hurt I am now? I'm here being forced to sit across the guy that has abused me brutally,cheated on me continuously,called me names constantly, and to sum this all up treat me terribly...You really think I want a relationship like that? You don't really recognize that I am highly terrified to have a boyfriend again do you? I don't give two fucks if you changed Justin you have said that after every beating I had.And yet you never managed to do that! And kudos to all y'all bitches who set me up to put me in all this torture-you guys are by far the worst!" I said sobbing looking at Marcus and Justin wishing to leave.

Everyone's face was in shock and sorrow which I didn't seem to care about.

They all stood there in regret. One of the guys behind me untied me and as soon as that happened I ran in embarrassment.

Moments later Justin ran after me .

Outside was people in the street doing some kind of bogus and I'm very sure there were papparazis .

"Kalani,I understand your point of view and I'm not against it at a-"

"You don't have to understand it dam- "

"Kalani stop being so stubborn and let me talk!"

i stood against the car with my jaw clenched not looking at Justin.

"Look, I know your mad. You have all  the rights to be mad.To start off with, I had nothing at all to do with the set up, I just didn't really mind the set up because I just love seeing your face. - My new tattoo that I got that says 'forgive' actually refers to your forgiveness, I wish I had it along with having your heart. Kalani I love you. I know I abused you and I cheated and done so much more but those are my top priority's to forget about. I regret those things. I didn't realize before that I had such a precious and delicate young lady in my arms and I realized that now. I need your forgiveness Kalani. Not being able to hold you  eats me alive. I want to find the key to your heart baby girl." Justin lectured.

"Okay first, I doubt that you mean any of this. I was being  hurt for five years that is nothing compared to you being tortured with this 'love' your missing out on. I don't care about you, just like you didn't when it came to us when there was one. And second, my answer is no . You won't get my forgiveness and if you ever were too, then it won't be by finding the key to my heart. You know why? Well because my heart is already opened. You just have to know how to get in it."

With those last few words, I left leaving justin in tears on the driveway.

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