love the way you lie pt2

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I woke up to light shaking and adjusted my eyesight to see Justin.Goosebumps rose on my skin.I was freezing.I could hear rain pound on the roof and lightning and thunder crashing into each other.My body was numb by how cold i was and in was underneath the blanket.

Justin was in his boxers and his hair was messy as if he ran his hands through it multiple times.He moved his hand up to remove the hair on my eye and though I tried not to flinch,I failed. I sat up realizing I was in my bra and underwear.What did he do????!!!!He wouldn't.My face went bright red and I teared.

''Justin can you please leave?" I almost whispered.

''Leave what baby?"He said.

'I just need to change''.My voice pleaded still small.

His hand was still on my face as he was still kneeling  next to the bed.

''I can't do that'' he stated.

''please leave''I begged.My voice in threatening tears.He wiped the water from under my eyes.

''Its okay baby,I drew us a nice hot bath.'' His thumb stroke my face lightly.  (bathroom: )

''I don't want to.....I already showered today..'' I said

''You have to.. '' he mentioned

''n-no I don't want to''I tried to scoot away from him but he  grabbed my wrist.Not squeezing it, but a grip.

''Justin please...I promise I won't to whatever I did ever again...I don't want to'' I begged.Tears were falling off my eyes and I started to wipe them.

he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bed like there was no problem.I gasped and I turned away from him to cover his face.He's seen me half naked...

I felt his hands come from behind me.He left trails of kisses on my neck.His hands softly brushed my ear as he reached my shoulder.I stood in shame trying to cover my body.I feel like such a whore right now .I just want to go to bed.His lips kissed my jaw line and he slightly bit my ear lobe.I was in terror.My body shook from head to toe.

''Do you know many times I made love to you..... how good I made you feel.''He whispered straight into my ear. I do remember.He knew I was uncomfortable.

''what's wrong?" he questioned still

kissing the back of my neck and under my ear.

n-nothing'' I lied.

''come'' he said leading me to the bathroom.I didnt  want to ,but his push was forceful.He closed the door and I coward away as he locked the door.I felt like a piece of meat.He grabbed my wrist yanking me almost making me trip.I could tell he was already getting pissed off.he stood behind me in the mirror.I turned my head not wanting to see.

''look''  he told me.I mumbled an objection under my breath and tried to walk away from my ugly and wretched reflection but there was no moving.

"Look !"commanded raising his voice. I jumped in fear as he grabbed my face turning my head back towards the mirror. I guess the and pain my face is so sore from when he had punched me. Reach to grab his wrist but I ended up only laying my hand on it. His grip to loose ends but I still remained.

My bruises. everywhere over my stomach on my face on my arms and legs just everywhere. Its scattered everywhere too. I looked at Justin to see he was in horror .that broke me. I was staring at the bruises and cuts his eyes are red.

'' I don't want to look at this anymore...'' I mumbled. He moved out of  The way so I could walk away from the mirror obviously understanding. Was right at back moments later unclasping my bra.

''Justin no!" I shrieked he chuckled letting it fall.I crossed my arms.

''Please Justin...I'll act better....I'm sorrry.'' I rushed as he moved his hands down my body to the rim of my panties.

''Why are you sorry?" he said obviously amused. it wasn't funny

'' for making you upset I'll stop I'll stop seriously please justin I just want to go to bed.''I said. My voice cracking.He pushed my panties all the way down to my legs....

I bursted into tears, he didn't care...he just kept going.

'I just want to lay down'' I sobbed having my hands in my face trying to hide it.

I felt his finger beneath my chin.He was now in front of me.

''Why are you crying?" he asked.

''I feel like I'm your slut and I'm tired and I'm scared and I just want to go to bed.'' I pouted.I turned around to grab a towel and wrapped it around my naked body.He then grabbed me and pulled me into a hug after I covered myself up.

''your so cold'' he stated.

''can I go to bed now?"I said my head pressed to his chest.His heart beat playing like an angels harp in my ear.My tears wet his chest as I tried to forget all this.

''Take the towel off Kalani.'' he said.I ignored his voice and focused on his heart beat.

''Kalani'' he said.I whimpered silently .He grabbed the towel from behind yanking it off my body.I dropped my head and closed my eyes as I gave up.He stared at me worthless body....tonight is the night im going to get something that I knew was coming whether I liked it or not.He picked me up bridal style carrying me to the big tub laying me gently in the bubbles.The small lit fire cracked near me.Surprisingly something about the water calmed and relaxed my joints and shoulders.

Justin got in behind me pressing his chest against my back and hugging me from behind.He slid his arms under my own and intertwined our fingers.I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. I could have fallen asleep if I wanted too.In that moment I forgot that I was bare in front of him.I forgot about all the beatings I received.I forgot my whole life .He kissed me up and down on my neck occasionally suckling on the skin.

It I used to feel like.When  Justin was all hugs and kisses not punches and kicks.

'I love you Kalani " he straightly into my ear. my heart skipped a beat.

''I love you too Justin'' I said truthfully. After 20 minutes of unwinding and relaxing in Justin's arms,I fell fast asleep.When I woke up, I was dressed in one of Justin's shirts.It was 1 am on a Saturday,and it was storming out, Justin was carrying me to bed and smiling at me.

''That tired huh?" he chuckled before kissing me on my forehead and laying down next to me.I instantly laid my head on his heart and heard the hum of it.When he turned the lights off I caught he lips quickly  only for going for a goodnight peck but he wanted more..He grabbed my face with his hand holding me close.My hand moved from his cheek to his head as he hummed.Its been a long time since I heard that.He lied beneath me , going lower,kissing my neck and playing with the hem of his shirt.


''yeah ''he pulled away harshly breathing.

''n-not tonight'' I mumbled.He groaned in annoyance before nudging his head in my neck.I moved closer to him,seeking protection  and our bodies intertwined.

That night we fell asleep like we used to......full of love.

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