A new start.....I think

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My mouth was full of slob and my face was all dried and icky from when I cried  last night, the tears must've dried on my face. I thought about those flowers and grew Goosebumps all over my body.

Today was the day I'm moving into my new house... emm, well mansion.

But the best part was that my absolute favorite person in the whole wide  world is going to stay with me. Becky.  Yes yes, I know the very popular model but she's all mine. Becky isn't like allow the other models. Becky's more caring.  She's funny, sweet,gorgeous ,clumsy, and a total weirdo. But my weirdo. I'm also really happy she's gonna come because she gets my mind out of things. All the bad things and that's all I wanted right now.

I sat down on the couch opening my laptop to tmz's article. Oh Boy.


What's going on with the biebs? Saturday night, Bieber was spotted at the "Cecilia Hotel" crying his a** off. He had  a bouquet of "Picotee Flowers" (Kalani's favorite) and a very worried face. He went in the place, asking the manager if anyone named Kalani  Velásquez checked into the hotel, The manager  casually said no and Justin bieber had his worst tantrum yet. The biebs  decided to wash away all the things on her desk and threw a vase of flowers against the wall causing a mirror to break. He then walked over and punched a wall  making a large hole. In a heartbeat bieber grabbed a computer smashing it against the floor and walked out as of nothing happened. Great job bieber! what's next? your 'beeners' are going to come save you?

In the mean time, TMZ'S paparrazzis will be keeping an eye on Kalani to see what  the next tantrum is.

There is Justin's abusive side. If he ever finds me, its over. He kept a promise saying he'll change that side and hopefully he will. My hands started shaking and I felt warm. I was terrified.I love Justin but he needs to learn.

I heard a knock on the door squealing to the thought of whose gonna be on the other side. I jumped over the couch and rapidly opened the door.

"PEANUTBUTTER!!" I screamed

"AHHH JELLY" she screamed back . When we were little we always used to call each other that. We were D.O.R.K.S .

I welcomed her in and attacked her with hugs.

"You look so Good!" I complimented

"yeah yeah enough about me, let's talk about you and Justin.. I need to see who's Dick I need to chop off. Well, if there is one" she teased.

"Blagh, I'll talk about later at the house...and after we eat."


I pulled up to a very gorgeous looking mansion .

There were Two huge black gates opening up after I put in the pass code. Walking up to the front door, I passed a very shallow pond with pebbles in it only and flowers everywhere.

I entered and the first thing I saw was a little bar filled with different kinds of wine. I loved wine. There was a  waterfall coming down the stoned wall leading  me to the warm tanned kitchen. I opened up the door that lead me down several cases of stairs leading me to the backyard and saw one  massive pool. The pool was dark blue and had to palm trees kind of centered.

Walking to my left was  a tiny black gate that had a comfy feeling to it. Opening the gate was A couch next to a warm fire up on the wall and a flat screen t.v . It was kind of like an outside relaxing area. It was really relaxing.

When I left that area I went down the other sets of stairs passing beautiful flowers and bushes and just behind that path was another pool. This pool was way more baby blue and clear,it was skinnier and longer. I think it wasn't meant to "swim' in more like to just sit and chill. This pool was drop dead in the center of two outdoor living rooms. On my left was a Huge leather couch  with a nice coffee table and a tiki bar to its left.  On my right was actually a more 'busy' living room. It has a fooseball table, dartguns, and a smoothie shack. I looked up front of me and there was a tall glass slide door.

Curiously I went in and there were so many places I could go. So instead I went all the way down to my left and went up some fancy stairs again passing mini waterfalls and led lights.

I decided to open up 2 big black double doors and there lies my sweet room.

My room had 2 long bright blue couches with a white fluffy flooring a fish tank on my wall and a HUGE bed that was up two stairs. In front of the bed was a mini trampoline and the comforter was cheetah prints. My bed also carried lots of pillows (my fav) and blankets. I had a massive walk in closet with glass shelves  and a glass drawer. There were to mini bright blue sofas and a body mirror. On my right was my bathroom. The bathroom had two sides of mirrors, and deep counters that had little shelves inside them to put my makeup in. There was a walk in shower and  a nice bathtub that can be really romantic on 'date night'. I sighed.

"Boy this is paradise"

I know this isn't really much  about their relationship, but I just think it'll be nice to know about where Kalani lives. ..
meanwhileI can't tell you the answers to that quiz because it'll spoil the story. But one thing I can say is that her favorite flowers are the  Yellow Picotee flowers... if you remember, I said that in the "Getting Better" chapter ..
Oh and you can ask for pictures of her mansion... I'll inbox you them if you'd like.

-Do u think Justin will find her and\or abuse her?

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