Authors Note

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Hey babes!

So I'm literally doing my update right now finally,

so sorry for a late update and I promise as soon as I get enough time, I'll rewrite all of you lovelys who has wrote me ♥ The next chapter is a tiny bit more dramatic than what I usually write but if you guys want, I can add drama to some of my chapters..?

Thanks again for all the votes and cute,sweet,funny,eager comments lol

I love u guys your so sweet and loving (:

I love people like that.

I might also be updating a little slower because I've been sick for a while ),: and I have a lot of schoolwork.


I've been in boxed some pretty bad comments a couple of times and I don't really appreciate those, If you don't like this story then its okay babe ,you DONT have to read it. (;

The world won't end.

All those people who don't like my writing needs to remember this is JUST a fan fiction. I would NEVER refer to Justin as an abuser,asshole,jerk,non caring person etc. This fan fiction is only written to  entertain  ...never to affend others.

I'm obviously a belieber  so I couldn't even think of why you guys would say stupid stuff like you do. It hurts my feelings so PLEASE leave me and my writing alone.

Once again guys I love u to those who appreciate this and support me... I support you 100000000000.000000% more


                             A special shout out



Please go check this account its really good , I hate this person  because  she is  so freaking sweet lol

She writes amazing fanfics  and I believe its a gift lol

Haters::  ......don't put hate on this account  or I'll Hunt you down


Gtg darlings, have to make an update √√√

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