Not like we care

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I was still in the room heartbroken by what happened. Justin didn't even bother to come check up on me or something and it been two hours.

I stopped caring.

I heard extreme moans come from  down the hall and I prayed it wasn't Justin.

I thought about what he had said 'not like he cares'

I don't care that I slapped him. I don't regret it at all. He doesn't care ?, so why should I?

Justin has no more power over me. Yes he was abusive, but I grew stronger from that. If he hits me then damn well I will fight back.

I didn't need to be wasting my time with Justin "if he didn't care" . I BET the next thing he would say is " I didn't mean it" I've heard that one so many times, he turned out to be the quilty one. I don't care.

Tears kept sauntering down my face and I broke a mirror from when I first locked myself in the room. They're were shattered prices of glass everywhere that turned out to be handy for me.

My wrists were all swelled up and purple-red. The pain felt so good.

I kept cutting deeper into my thighs and felt relief wash over me. I heard Justin goofing off with fredo and the heard a giggle. A familar giggle.

I soon heard a thump on the wall.

"oh you bad boy" I heard the pitchy voice mumble in pleasure.

I started crying even harder KNOWING, just KNOWING that IS Justin. My mascara leaked down my face as my cheeks grew more flesh into it.

Veins popped out of my neck caused by the force I was using trying not to make a sound while crying in both physical and emotional pain.

I wanted to leave this hell hole.

I came out from the porch that was in out our bedroom. I threw absolutely ALL my things in my large suitcases.

I struggled putting my things in my trunk but eventually made my way through it.

I limped in excruciating pain but didn't Care.

I drove off to an extremely expensive hotel (ask for the pic of the hotel in my inbox) and thanked myself that i could afford it.

I checked in and was  led to a massive 'temporary home' . temporary for like 2-3 days because I'm moving out! yes into a mansion ..

thanks to my manager,  he can get me out pretty quick.

"shit" I mumbled to myself.

I had forgotten that I had a photoshoot tomorrow  and I had cuts. Great.

I tried to erase my mind off of Justin but just couldn't.

I decided to take a nice hot long bubble bath and leave my mind to it

*20 min later*

I left the bath in relief and put on one of those black skinny jeans that was all the way to the top of my belly button (had those 3 buttons) and wore a navy blue crop top my cousin got me.

I heard knocking at the door that caused me to jump behind the couch.

"Mira! Chica loca!  Abrir la puerta! , its me! " I heard a familiar voice call out.

A wide smile grew on my face with mascara still running down my cheeks.

Usually I'd fix myself first, but it was my brother . i didn't care.

My brother is like a puertorican gangster. Well, he is one. the only difference is that he isn't as mean. He's supportive. He's always been the popular one who every girl wants. He also has a few jobs that make him famous in some categories. One of his jobs that he's most known by is being a really popular DJ . I was proud of him.   He's 20 and His name is "Julio"

( HU-LIO)  . He sags his pants and what people like to say "he is fly"

I opened the door and he came rushing  towards me cupping my hands and pulling me towards his chest. I hugged him tightly around his waist as he cooed me.

We sat on the couch and he looked at me

"it's ok, its ok" he whispered.

I was always so greatful for his presence. He's like my bestfriend.

I heard another knock on my door and I went to go look outside the little hole. I saw no one.

I opened to door and looked both left and right and saw no one but saw something.

There lies a vase of my favorite flowers.


1) Who do you think those vase of flowers are from?
2) What is the name of her favorite flower?
3) Will something happen to Justin? Big or small?
4) Is there some 'big news' coming from Julio ? - Yes, no ;Good or bad?

*Love you babes
First person to get most of them right gets a chosen surprise..♦

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