Not stopping now

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So kinda am getting a little mad.  Some of my readers are stealing my ideas almost the EXACT wording of my story.For example my car accident scene and the illness she has is all over another's story.... oh and the best part is, it's the SAME wording -______-  if ANY of u guys are out of ideas or wants to borrow an idea, JUST ASK please I'd get less frustrated if u do. Stealing anothers ideas is disrespectful,  I dont do that to u so why do it to me? :( You know who you are. Anyway, I'm SO THANKFUL for all the support I was given from you guys thank you guys for the comments,love and votes.I love u..❤


Kalani's POV

A  rush of cold wind hit my legs as I tried pulling up the blankets and punched my face.

Justin was awake and was laughing at me because he saw.

I hid under the blankets in embarrassment.And he cuddled up to me over the blankets.

My head was buried in the tons of thousands of heavy pillows on our bed while Justin struggled to get my head out but eventually failed.

He sighed and closed the door after exiting the room.

At least that's what I thought.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed In a high pitched voice.

Justin had pulled off my blankets and screamed as well purposely  causing me to jump.

He was all crawled up on the floor laughing and I got pissed but eventually threw pillows on top of him and ran out laughing.

He ran after me but luckily I hid  somewhat playing  'hide and go seek'

"Baby girl I'm gonna find you anywayyyy" he quietly whispered witch kinda freaked me out. I was hiding behind the freakishly large fish  tank and he suddenly sauntered pass me.

I had to pee bad. I always had to when I'm in the middle of a game. This one perhaps.

I looked left and right making sure he was no where to be seen and I thought he wasn't but his back was facing me as he slowly walked up the staircase across the tank.

I decided to go towards the other staircase and use the hallway bathroom successfully making my way until of course My husky woke up and started barking running towards me grabbing Justin's attention.

"AHH!" I squeaked

"Gotcha Bitch!!!" he hollered. He ran toward me  while I ran the exact opposite way.

Justin and I were neck on neck circling the couch. The couch was my shield until he jumped over it. Of course.

He got a grip on me and pressed me up against the wall.

"Shit Justin I have to pee!" I pouted.

"oh well " he casually said.

"Justinnn!!" I pouted once more almost squating.

"ugh fine ,you  poor baby."

I ran to the bathroom in relief.

*Skipped potty time* lol

I left the bathroom casually walking down the stairs in pain though.

I opened the cabinets for my pills and closed it seeing Justin all shirtless and gorgeous as ever.

(AuthorsNote: Warningsexualcontent .. skip this if. you. don't. like reading these parts)

He pushed me up against the counter rubbing against my thighs.

He looked deep into my eyes leaning in for a passionate kiss

(BTW: I am just wearing an overly large t-shirt)

He  sat me down on the counter planting hickeys all over my neck.

I moaned in pleasure pulling his soft golden brown hair .He sucked on my jawline  pulling me closer to his body as he was pressed against tight on the counter.

He rubbed his hands from my thighs slowly passing my stomach all the way to my breasts.

Under my shirt he played with the tiny little black bow on my bra.

Still sucking  on my neck, he raised my shirt pulling it off of me. Justin stared at my breasts licking his lips.

I knew Justin was gonna be gentle because I was still sore. Thinking about that thought made me smirk because he made me feel protected and worthy.

He traveled up  to my lips asking for an entrance and I gladly accepted. We explored each others mouths gracefully as he cupped my neck gently for a better grip in my mouth.

He moved me to a lower counter so I wasn't so far  from him.

It started getting dark and muddy outside due to the rain harshly pouring. Lightning and thunder crashed in causing the house to feel more cuddly.

Justin sucked on my neck finding my sweet spot ; moans escaping from my lips.

We grinded on each other roughly in desperation. I searched for Justin's zipper gladfully  unzipping his pants reaveling an opening to his boxers with a big bulge popping out.

I softly squeezed that bulge teasing Justin.

"Mmmm" he moaned in a raspy tone.

He squeezed my ass as my hands ran through his abs to his shoulders.

Justin made his way to my boobs planting tiny wet kisses all over them.  He then ran his hands through my back still  kissing me struggling to look for my bra clip. Successfully he unclipped my bra revealing my big tanned  breasts (according to Justin;)     He looked up to me grabbing my attention.

"Your so gorgeous " he softly said to me. I smirked hiding myself aside his left ear.

He chuckled.

"you ready baby girl" he questioned in his low raspy voice.

I signaled him yes.

"Tell me when to stop , Kay ?"  I just nodded.

I lowered my hands reaching for his erection. I pulled  it out releasing the bad boy. I stared in shock , I haven't had this with him in FOREVER .

He chuckled once again grabbing a hold of my thighs.

He hid in the crook of my neck finally entering me.

I moaned in relief and pleasure rising my hands up to his upper arms squeezing them to grab a grip of something.

Justin continued slowly thrusting into me moaning through. We were both in 'the zone' and I roughly pulled on his hair.

He looked down at my boobs sucking my left one still thrusting.

"Baby," I quietly whispered

*Loud moans and hard thrusts skipped* ( In bed)

We lied in the dark freezing room half naked hidden under the blankets. Both of us were still catching for breath admiring each others warmths. He pulled me closer to him as i layed tight against his chest listening to his beautiful heartbeat.

He kissed my forehead and attacked my cheeks leading to a bite on the lips.

"Baby I love you so much♥" he whispered biting my earlobe

"I love you more" I said informing him.

We slowly drifted off to sleep taking a nice long afternoon nap.


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sorry if it's not good, it my first time doing a dirty scene.



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