Im not going to fall in love again.

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I found myself now awoken in my bed all alone.

so scrunched my eyebrows wondering where Justin had went. Last night with that tantrum I threw made Justin want to stay and comfort me.

I accepted that one time and now he isn't here cuddling with me. I already missed him.

I look to my left and see a note.

Coming back at four

it said.

It was already 3:15 and I gasped at how late I slept.

My twitter was blowing up as well as my Facebook.

All the celebrity media and fans tagged me in this picture of Justin.

I clicked on the picture and Justin was wrapping his arm around a  brunette. 

I frowned a bit but I couldn't show my hurt feelings towards anyone because I must be firm.

I knew I was hurt because I still love him but I won't be mad for him moving on. I felt like he deserves better.

Better than me.

I don't think I should be in love again.

I don't deserve a guy again. I don't deserve to be in love again. I don't deserve to be called 'beautiful ' again. I don't even deserve to live.

'love is weird ' I Whispered to myself.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured a cup of it.

I grabbed the rest of the bottle with me along with my cup and sat down on the couch trying to forget the world and just be in my own little fantasy.

*40minutes later*

"Kalani, you here? If so,your car isn't " Justin called.

To me he sounded like he was mumbling.

I droopily came down the stairs.

"wh-why are you mumbling ?" I asked.

I tripped over my own feet and almost fell until Justin caught me.

"Kalani, are you drunk? why are you drunk? are you trying to hurt yourself?" he questionaired.

"did you just ask if i was a punk?" i said.

Justin sighed and carried  me to the couch

I didnt want to sit. I wanted to go run and be free. I thought to myself.

Before justin knew it, I jumped over the couch and tripped over the blankets hitting my head against the glass tables.

"kalani really? do you haveto be so stubborn?"

--Sorry this isnt that good ...maybe for you guys. This chapter was blaghhhh because i kinda had a writers block but next time i update, i know what to write...i mean the next chapter is already written im just not gonna release it today.

Love ya! ♡♡♡♡♡♡

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