Apoligies and Beatings

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Kalani P.O.V

I sat in class,not even paying attention to my teacher.Olivia had to go home be ause she wasn't feeling good. So there i was.....alone with all of the people that hate me.They love the days when Olivia isn't here.They take advantage of them.They call me names and already push me around because I wont do anything about it.I can't.All day I didn't move.My body was still sore to the core.I really wish Justin never hated me so much.I wish we could be like the other couples I see all the time.

I hope Justin's in a good mood for the rest of the day.Maybe if I don't mess up Justin won't get angry.Just then the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch.I got up slowly wanting to cry.And too add on,kids keep purposely bumping into me.When I got to the lunch room I sat in the very back next to the big windows that show nothing but the school parking lot.I sat alone due to the fact that nobody liked me and I didn't even wanna talk.

I sat silently listening to people acting like idiots.It felt completely akward without having Olivia to talk to.People don't bother me when im with. her cause she sticks up for me.I don't even know why they don't like me.I was friends with EVERY one until I dated Justin.

I waited impatiently for lunch to be over.I didn't get to eat anything so I was hungry.Just then school skate boarders sat down at my table.Trust me when I say there douche bags.They started coming to close to me so I started to lean the other way.

''Hey'' one said with a creepy smile.I gave them a disgusted face.

''Awe what's wrong baby'' he said roughly grabbing my shoulder. I winced at the pain.

''you know you want it'' he whispered in my ears. I pushed his chest and gave him the dirtiest look.

''go away'' I said creasing my eyebrows.

Anger flashed through his eyes and I knew what was gonna happen next.I felt a stinging pain on my face as my head flew sideways.He just slapped me.

and I was sick of it.

I will only allow this with Justin not him . My jaw was locked in and I got up then slapped him right back.Not as hard of course, but its the thought that counts.I then walked away not caring if it was the middle of lunch.

*Justin's P.O.V

jealousy shot through me as I sat in the school parking lot.I grip the steering wheel as I saw a group of guys flirt with Kalani.She just sat there trying to ignore them.They started touching her and I locked my jaw.She looked absolutely disgusted.She said something to the guy that was talking to her. He then slapped her. I was overly shocked.......she slapped him back......and then walked away.

That's my Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was overly pissed and walked out of the car to go beat the living shit out of the fag.I walked over to the office, and asked to pick up Kalani.They called her up with this speaker thingy mijiggy.She finally came from the corner with a curious face.I was still filled with rage so I just mumbled ''let's go'' with no emotion on my face.

Kalani's P.O.V

fear shot through me when I saw Justin here to pick me up.I wonder why.Oh god he's extremely pissed.He mumbled let's go so he followed me to my locker to get my things.I Was so scared, I didn't do anything this time.I actually felt kinda lucky because those guys were looking forward to beating my ass.He saw the pictures hung up  on my locker.He chuckles.

''what happened with those boys?"

''they were just being douche bags'' I mumbled with my head down. Speaking of trouble.Those boys just turned from the corner with hate in their eyes. I got so scared.

''Justin let's go'' I rushed as I closed my locker.

Justin looked at them with pure hate in his eyes.I grabbed his arms.

''come on Justin'' I said panicky

''oh so you brought your boyfriend with you to protect you huh?" one asked. I guess he was the 'leader' of the group because he did all the talking.

''yes, as a matter of fact she did'' he spat.

I see them shrink back because of the tone Justin used.I never bothered to bud in but I just hoped Justin won't do something he'll regret.

''what are you gonna do pretty boy?... dance my face off??" he said with fake confidence.Justin cracked a grin at his lame joke. even I had to hold back a laugh.

''wanna find out?" Justin asked him.They were all scared by now and all failed miserably at trying to hide it.Justin started walking towards him but I grabbed his upper arm. a crowd started to form.

''no no no Justin please let's just to home" I fearfully said.

''you guys are so lucky because what I want to do to you guys right now wouldn't be polite in front of a lady''  he turned back around with the group still shocked.

''c'mon '' he told me grabbing a tight grip on my waist.

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