It Was Perfect! Part 2

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Still LOLitsJerry!! :) sorry for the late update, I have 4 accounts to mange!! But I can handle it. Just bear with me babes. Andddd, I might start a new book on this account, would you read it? It's gonna be all written by me!


Kalani's POV

"I love you so much." I whispered and felt the tears rise in my eyes as I hug him. "I love you too, so so much." He whispered back rubbing my back.

We kept on hugging until I realized the car went to a stop. I felt excitement pumped through my veins. We stopped by a fancy looking hotel and I could this was expensive. "Don't spend so much money on me." I warned. "It wasn't that much." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"You said it wasn't that much, so it was still much." I pointed out. "Fine, you got me." He laughed and I laughed along. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be a crazy night.

We entered the expensive and fancy hotel and I gasped at how beautiful it looked. "Beautiful isn't it?" He questioned. "Yea.." I glanced around just admiring the beauty. "Not as beautiful you." He said and I couldn't help but blush. He say that all the time but he gets me all the time.

"I get you every time." He spoke as if he was reading my mind. "I know." I blushed, hoping he didn't see me. "But shall we?" He asked. "We shall." I tangled my arm in his and he lead us to the table.

It was a round table with 2 fancy chairs. It had 2 roses in the middle of the table. It was in a small vase with just a bit of water. Justin pushed in my chair as I sat down and mumbled a quick thank you.

A waiter came and handed us menus. I decided to order a salad so I wouldn't have to add more money on Justin's plate. "What are you getting sweetheart?" Justin asked still looking at the menus but he used one of his hands to hold mine. "Just a regular salad." I said with a smile.

"Babe, you need to eat more. You have gotten thinner." Justin said with concern in his voice. "I'm fine babe." I smiled. "Alright then, I'll get the same." Justin said. I wanted him to eat more because he needed it. "No babe, you got to eat more." I said and caressed his knuckles. "Same to you missy." He kissed my hand.

"Fine. I'll get whatever you're getting." I said he smirked. "But not too much, please?" I begged. "Alright, if you say so." He smirked. "How about the most expensive thing on the menu?" He questioned and winked right after.

"What?! How much is that suppose to be?!" I asked. "Not that much." He winked. "What is it?" I asked. "Steak." He smirked {Laughing right now}

"What? I can't finish that!" I exclaimed. "How about we share. I'll feed you babe." He winked and I nodded. "Thanks sweetie." He thanked me and I mumbled a welcome.

Justin rang the bell and the same waiter came back. Justin ordered and I sat there waiting for Justin to finish talking. Our hands were still intertwined across the table. "I forgot to tell you something." Justin said and I shift my attention on him. "Yes?" I questioned. "We are staying over tonight." He said. "What? Here?" I questioned.

"Yes here." He answered. "But what about my clothes?" I asked. "You can borrow my sweats or just wear my over sized tee like you used too.

"Yea like I used too." I smiled. "Are we doing anything else besides sleeping?" I asked. "Oh my goodness! Kalani!!" Justin blushed and did I. "That's only if you want too." He replied with rosy cheeks. "I'm just asking." I blushed.

Justin's POV

When Kalani asked that question, I just felt myself tighten. I haven't had her for months! That's way too long! "What about my manager and stuff. I have a photoshoot tomorrow and I have to be at 7 in the morning. "Didn't my your manager tell you it was canceled because you are mine for tomorrow." I explained.

"Well, maybe he forgot. I'll just call him later." She suggested and I nodded not wanting her to get in trouble. The waiter came back with the food and Kalani moved her chair so she was sitting right next to me in order to eat.


Short, sorry. Updating soon again. Maybe I'll be longer maybe it'll be shorter.

Thanks for waiting!!

Love yaaa babes! Mwah!

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