Celebration Dinner.

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∆Two Weeks Later∆

• Justin and I were on our way to the celebration dinner he had planned since I won the boxing match.

He wore a nice white  buttoned Shirt with skinny jeans and his leather dress shoes as I wore a patterned white and black short dress that stopped right above my knee and over that I wore a sleeveless leather jacket. I put my hair up in a high elegant pony tail and my eyes were outlined with thick mascara to bring out the color of my  grey contacts.

Justin opened the door and I happily entered the restaurant filled with flowers on every corner and  vibrant paintings hanging from the walls. I smelt a mouthwatering aroma of garlic bread coming from the kitchen and can feel the warm presence of Justin's arm wrapped around my waist as we waited to be seated.

"Is this the reservation made under the name of Bieber?" The blonde hostess asked with her kind french accent.


"Right this way"

The hostess walked us to a beautiful table for two with a small vase of roses in the center.

Justin pulled out the chair for me and kissed me on top of my head before he sat down and spoke in French to the waitress.

I gave a confused look of why he spoke in french and not English and saw Justin give a wink right before she left.

"What? she doesn't speak English? "

"She does" Justin responded unbuttoning one of the buttons.

"So speak English--so we can all understand.What did you even say to her Justin?"

"Relax baby girl."

"Why'd you wink at her--"

"Here's the special for two" The waitress laid two glasses of expensive wine on the table.

"That's why I spoke French. So you wouldn't hear me ask for the surprise. Remember this wine? Its from our first anniversary. You fell in love with this kind" Justin explained.

I didn't know what to say, to be honest I felt kind of bad for trying to start that argument.

"What'd you like to eat today Mr. and Ms.?" the waitress asked showing her gorgeous smile.

"We'll have the special" Justin said for the both of us.

I smiled and looked down.

I grew some butterflies and couldn't control my nervousness. He seems nervous too.

The waitress came by a few minutes later and brought out some beautiful steaks with garlic bread and salad on the side.

"Justin, this is so expen--"

"Shh don't even start with that" Justin cut me off.

I laughed a bit and started to cut through the juices of the steak.

Throughout the dinner Justin gave me weird glances that started to make me feel more uncomfortable and nervous.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Me?- what-whats wrong?-nothings wrong" I responded.

"Umm ok..? You haven't touched your wine though... I thought it was your favorite"

I saw the sad look on Justin's face and felt guilt.

"Uhh-I -I just can't drink it."  I told him.

"Why not?"

I felt really scared of telling him why and panicked. I got up from my seat "I need to use the bathroom" I said walking really quick but Justin followed right behind spinning me around and leading me out to the terris.

I felt beyond scared and so did he.

(Both:)" I have to tell you something."

We gave each other surprised looks.

(Both:) "You First"

I sighed to myself and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.

"Okay we'll both say it at the same time." Justin insisted. 

I kept my eyes closed before we spoke...

I took a deep breath and said--

Justin's POV:

I reached into my pocket and asked--

(Both:) "Will you marry me?---- Justin,I'm pregnant"

Kalani's POV

I opened my eyes.

(Both:) "What?!"


mwahahaha ....sooooo this was the last chapter you guys!!!! I absolutely LOVED the ending did you????

Thank you guys so much for the support I LOVE YOU GUYS!

..so I've been mentioning a sequel but that's only if you guys vote and comment on it..,hmmm should I???! hehe we'll seeeeee



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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