Part 2

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Morning came faster then I had wanted because I honestly looked horrible right now. Everything was a bit weirder then usual but that's okay. Levy helped me braid my hair which in the end went down my back about half-way. I put on a mid length shirt the color blue and a pair of jeans my belt holding my keys.

The girls met me downstairs.

"We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Mirajane Strauss, but you can call me Mira." The white-haired girl said.

"I'm Erza Scarlet. It's a pleasure to meet you." Well her hair matches her last name. Cool.

"I'm Cana. I don't care much for last names." She said drinking some more of what I think is alcohol.

"I'm Evergreen!" The light brown haired girl said.

"Well it's a pleasure. Are you all going to the guild right now to?" I asked them calmly.

"Yep! We thought if we woke up early enough we could walk with you and Levy." Mira said picking up a bag.

"Oh. I didn't realize you wanted to!" Levy said as she walked down the stairs in her usual clothing.

"Well yeah we did! I mean we don't want everyone to attack Lucy like we did. So until someone can protect her and be her best friend through it all then we'll be her protection squad until things die down!" Evergreen said pulling me to her protectively. "And don't get me started on the boys! Who knows what they'll do!" The boys?

"True. Natsu and Grey are sure to extra idiotic." Mira said a finger to her lips.

"I'm sure they'll be fine and if they aren't then they'll be punished." She has a nice yet scary aura to her... I think we're going to get along!

"Y-You really don't have to do that!" I said urging them not to.

"Especially Laxus..." mumbled Evergreen making the girls freeze.

"What do you mean Ever?" Levy asked. "He's never taken interest in anyone." Ever laughed.

"Um Freed may have followed Laxus on his last mission and um he was kinda staring at Lucy on her trip here on the train." Ever rocked on her heels not making any eye contact.

"Are you talking about lightning bolt boy?" I said head tilted. They looked at me and laughed while Ever prayed.

"Don't call him that in front of him. He'll go insane." Just what i'm hoping for but only if he pisses me off!

"Fine! But I can't promise anything if he makes me mad." With that we walked down to the guild laughing at my stories of stupidity as I call them.

"So let's get your guild mark then!" Mira said grabbing the stamp from the counter.

"Pink. On my left hand." When she finished she smiled.

"I officially welcome you Lucy to Fairy Tail." Cheers went off and Cana went to drinking.

"Hey new girl! I'm Natsu." I turned to see a pink haired i'm guessing dragon slayer from him sniffing my body.

"I'm Lucy!" I said shaking his hand.

"Cool! I hope we can be good friends." I nodded as I go hit by a pantless and shirtless weirdo whom i'm guessing is Grey.

"Oi! Grey your clothes! Don't scar the new girl!" To late I fell backwards face redder than a cherry but Natsu caught me.

"Are you okay? You might want to get used to it Luce. He does it a lot." I looked at him oddly.

"Luce?" What was that about?

"Yeah! A name no one else calls you! Only a name I can call you." I smiled brightly it makes me so happy!

"Yeah! A name no one else calls you! Only a name I can call you." I smiled brightly it makes me so happy!

"Well okay then Natsu. You are the only one who can call me Luce! That's a promise!" I said as we shook on it.

"Good! This will be the beginning of our friendship! When we're able to we should take a job together!" We fist bumped as everyone's jaws dropped.

"N-Natsu's is acting weird. H-He's being nice. To a girl. Lord i'd never thought i'd see this day." It was Levy who dropped her book

"Yeah we should one day! It's a deal!" With that everyone practically fainted but without either of them knowing a certain lightning dragon slayer was getting jealous.

"So what do you want to do Luce! We should probably grab Happy though he's with Lisanna. She's my other friend you should meet her!" I nodded and went over to them I looked at her and awed.

"You look so beautiful!" I said making her blush.

"T-Thanks. Most people think my appearance is weird." She said petting a young what looks like a cat.

"Well they must be jealous or extremely rude because you are a gem among jewels one of a kind!" I said crossing my arms making her laugh.

"I see you've met Natsu. He's an odd one but please bare with him." I leaned down to her.

"Don't worry I won't take away the chance of your love." She blushed and fell back as red as a cherry.

"L-Lisanna!? What did you say to her! She has steam coming out of her ears." Natsu said obviously stunned.

"Oh you know girl stuff." Mira laughed hearts forming in her eyes.

This is the best day of my life!

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