Part 24

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Thankfully the party went pretty smooth after that and I just sat with Laxus as we talked and such though he practically blew a gasket at one point. You don't want to know. Still here I was still sitting on his lap as the guilds began clearing out. Min, Sting, and Rogue all came to say goodbye to me with Jemma. Jemma was like a dad to me after all I ran to him quite often when my dad made me mad.

"So did you have any fun?" I asked my sweet blushing boyfriend as I crossed my legs and tilted my head back. "Or were you trying to hard to make sure I didn't run off with some guy!" He glared at me as the party hall emptied leaving only us there. Master gave everyone tomorrow off like most guilds did.

"So funny." Yeah cause that's totally it! I am no clown you idiot!

"I would like to say that I am but something tells me that would just happen to backfire on me. After al I am no clown! Especially when it comes to my idiot boyfriend who I will always refer to as Spark Plug." I gave a sweet innocent smile but was already in the process of running down to my apartment as I saw a vein pop in his neck. Oh god i'm so dead! It was so worth it!

"Lucy Heartfilia get your ass back here!" He was currently making me run for my life and he thinks i'm just going to willingly go back?! Hell no! I will run until my heart stops beating especially if it's from an irritated Spark Plug with the name Laxus!

"Sorry but my ass want's to keep running! So can you like stop chasing me Spark Plug?" I think I just made him madder because let's just say an electric shock went though my body. "CHEATER!" He laughed as I wrung out my hand.

"It's not cheating! It's using my oh so lovely brain sweetheart!" That's it!

"Form: Angel Wings." With that they appeared and I flew up leaving an irritated Laxus on the ground!

"Okay that is way more of a cheat then mine!" I just smirked as I sat on the ledge of a building. He climbed up as I lay on the roof laughing my ass off at what just happened. He sat by me pulling me into his arms. It was nice.

"Happy now?" He smiled and kept me in his lap as I stayed put this time.

"Very." It was nice that for once he could stay by my side for at least a little while. I snuggled into his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of my head making me giggle. Such a charming man for a Spark Plug.

"You know I only call you that to be a tease right?" I asked him looking into his eyes while he had a very sexy looking smirk on his face. He just pecked my lips as to answer that question for me. It was foreign to me still to have a pair of lips upon my own but that was okay.

"I know you are only teasing me. It hurts my ego!" He was being dramatic making us both burst out laughing. We walked around until he took me back home.

"Well thank you for coming Laxus. I enjoyed your company." With that I turned to face him as he leaned against the door frame. Damn he looks so damn hot right now. Stop it Lucy! Your mind is an innocent one! Do not imagine those things! To late. I could pretty much see it.

"I'm happy to have come. Wouldn't want someone stealing my girl." I blushed another shade of red. "Besides I missed you." He twirled a piece of my hair on his finger again. I smiled at him loving the fact that he was mine to love and to cherish.

"A-As if i'd let that happen! Master would kill them and heck I would have killed them!." He still played with my hair as he looked at me. "Besides my heart already belongs to you. Why would I give myself to someone else when my heart belongs to someone else." The twirling motion stopped as he looked at me with lustful eyes. Damn I knew that look anywhere! He pulled my waist to his body.

"You should be careful with your words. They are extremely effective." As soon as he whispered that I blushed a new shade of red. It was deeper than Erza's hair. Heck it was deeper than any red i've ever seen!

"P-Pervert." He just smirked at me keeping my waist to his as he leaned in so close our noses were touching. This time you could see the growing urge in not only his eyes but the way his body moved around and against my own. There was such want in those motions it wasn't even funny.

"Babe you haven't seen perverted." God i'm so going to regret my next actions! I placed my lips to his and bit his lip shocking him as I backed up and had my hand on the door.

"And you haven't seen my version of seduction. So I guess we're even." I was about to close the door when he pinned me to the nearest wall lips on mine the door closed by the fact that he swung it shut on his way in locking it behind him in a fluid motion. I already regret so much!

"I'd've been more careful there babe. Now?" He smirked his hand drawing up my thigh a trail of little shocks following as he moved towards my hips. "There is no way i'm letting you get out of my grip." I smirked as I put my lips a mere few centimeters from his own.

"Oh really? What do you plan on doing to me Mister Dreyar?" I looked him in the eyes my own half shut as I dared him to try it.

"Oh a whole lot of things Miss Heartfilia. A whole lot of things." Inside my heart was racing.

This could be quite dangerous.  

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