Part 17

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Quick Note

I think I might add different P.o.V's. I was trying to make it all Lucy, but then decided i liked the variety... 
Don't worry it'll still be mainly Lucy! I just think that I should include some other characters!



They left leaving me alone with her. She was still crying looking at me.

"Who would you think that I would want to hurt you?" She whispered to me.

"I don't know..." I said looking at her eyes. One was grey the other gold. They were gold and brown at the beginning of the fight. "I thought you might hate me for being an ass since you got back. It was just hard to know you were laughing with someone else again." I was kinda sad about that, but happy at the same time that she could still smile. 

Thinking back she was always like this. She fought for me. Ran away from home. Endured four years of training. Fought me. Now that I look at it she's always been crazy in some way. Though it makes her her. It's what I love about her. Her soul and will to fight for her family. That's one of the many things though.

"Then next time try talking to me! It's not okay that you feel that way! Next time talk to me. It hurt for me to you know! Watching you sit alone wasting your life away when you could be smiling with us. Didn't you ever once think that maybe we were hoping that you'd say something." I laughed at her and pulled her into a hug as to make sure she didn't see my red face.

"You might want to get off. I have to destroy the Lacrimi." She shook her head. 

"I'm perfectly capable of handling electric shock!" She murmured into my chest. I sighed knowing she wasn't gonna change her mind.

"Fine. Brace yourself." With that I self destructed the Lacrimi the shock absorbed by both our bodies though she only flinched when she was shocked. "You okay." She nodded. 

"Hey Laxus?" She said. "Why is it that you would stare at me all the time and not just come talk to me." My face reddened. I can't tell her that I love her! That was the only real reason or it!

"Why did you stare at me?" I quickly questioned her.

"R-Reasons." She said hiding her face. I laughed.

"And I had my reasons as well!" A real laugh felt good once and a while. She wasn't looking at me. "Lucy?" She still didn't respond. I pulled her head up to see it was as red as Erza's hair. As soon as I did she slammed her head down. It landed softly on my chest. Now why would her face be all red. "Come on. You can tell me." I laughed when she shook her head.

"It isn't funny!" She screamed jolting her head up the same time I tried to sit up. That's when her lips met mine.


This isn't awkward at all...

Well shit...


My lips felt his lips meet mine. They tasted like honey...


My heart was beating faster and faster as every millisecond passed. He seemed shocked at first as well as my but he quickly kissed me taking opportunity of our mistake. To be honest I kinda liked it. Do I love him? I thought I didn't know. It was always so hard to tell if i did or I didn't. It was just how it was...

But, now that i'm right and he's kissing me it's all so clear as if the world just fell away and the reality is a pretty scary thought.

I, Lucy Heartfilia, love Laxus Dreyar.

Well this this is certainly a realization. Upon realizing this I kissed him back with just as equal passion as I put my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me. I felt him smirk against my lips as he swiped his tongue along my bottom lip with that I let him in as he took advantage to devour my mouth.

If Master saw us right now...

Who am I kidding if anyone saw us right now they'd think us insane!

We had to part from that intense lip lock seeing as we were running low on air. 

"What are we exactly to each other Sparky?" I whispered to him. A smirk played upon his face.

"Depends. Do you want to be something?" Thinking on it all it to others would be a bad choice, but to me? It felt so right! Yes he's a bit rough around the edges but he has his good days!

"In my own opinion," I smiled. "I kinda do." He smirked and pulled me up with him. I hate that he's still taller. 

"Then that already should answer it shouldn't it?" My face again turned redder then Erza's hair.

"I-I guess." He's real blunt isn't he. Still we heard screaming outside.

"NOT IN FRONT OF ME ERZA!" Natsu shouted. We looked out to see that Erza had pulled Jellal into a kiss. She let go before dragging the three of us and heading off towards the master. I waved to the poor stunned Jellal as he stared as her while we left.

"Erza?" I said as she dragged as through the guild doors and up to Master's office the guild watching as I prayed to god I would come out alive.

"Master! Here they are." We all stepped in as I saw Luke and Levy in the corner.

"Master?" I said looking at him as he rubbed his temples.

"Lucy is it true?" I tilted my head. "Was Master Mavis your mother?" Silence. I twitched.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY ANYTHING!" I launched at Luke tackling him.

"So it's true..." It was Levy who looked at me with happy eyes. "You two!" Don't say it!

"Your Mavis and Zeref's children."

She just had to say it.

Natsu paled at the mention of his brother.

"LUKE!" I shouted as he held his hands up in surrender. Laxus smirked.

"This doesn't bother any of you!?" I asked them all.

"You're still the same Lucy." Erza said with a soft smile.

"It's not like it matters. You've already proven your loyalty." Laxus said with Master.

"Wait..." Natsu looked at me. "Doesn't that make you my niece and nephew!?" I paled.

"CURSE MY FAMILY HERITAGE!" Laxus laughed at the irony.

"Your not off the hook Laxus. You're lucky Lucy saved you when she did or i'd've had to banish you!" Laxus stopped and looked at me as I just shrugged.

"What's my punishment exactly?" He asked. 

"This! Think of it as a learning exercise." Laxus groaned when he saw the paper work. Laxus looked at me as I smirked.

"Oh Gramps one thing," I glared at him and bolted out the doors as I heard him shot as I got to the guild doors. "I'M DATING LUCY!" All eyes turned to me as I rushed down the streets faster then ever as I saw like all my friends chasing me.



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