Part 18

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I'm going to kill him and never regret it! In fact it'll clear thinks up won't it? If one of us dies then it's okay! It will all go to normal right? Laxus is going to die by hands! He has just raised Master's hopes on great grandchildren and that is not a thought I want to have! Idiot! What have I gotten myself into! Not to mention Mira. I felt myself being picked up in the air and saw Freed.

"Freed!?" He smiled.

"I don't think he wants you to die yet." I sighed praising my savior.

"Well I thank you for the help. Did he ask you to do this or are you holding out your neck." He stayed silent. "Second option it is." Bixlow and Ever were smirking while I stuck my tongue out at a pissed Laxus. He drew across his neck with his thumb making me pale.

"Oh god. Looks like your friends aren't the only ones. Though he's probably thinking of something different knowing him." My face heated up to stunning temperatures. "OI! ARE YOU OKAY." Nope I think I died! Laxus was staring at Freed with a look that said 'you have no idea what I want to do. Do you?'

"Can you possibly like hide me far far away as to not be sensed by like anyone." I asked him curiously.

"Not possible. Laxus would get it out of me as well as the fact he knows every spell I use like the back of his hands. He knows every countermeasure as well." I hate my life.

"I mean I could knock him out but that'd just make him angrier." We laughed as I felt an electric shock in my foot. "LAXUS ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" I said shaking my foot which hated the electricity. He shrugged.

"IF IT GET'S YOU BACK HERE." I know exactly how to respond.

"DON'T MAKE ME MENTION HOW I BEAT YOU IN A FIGHT!" He twitched. "OOPS! DID I SAY THAT ALOUD?" I smirked as he started moving. "Freed fly. FREED! FLY LIKE HELL!" As soon as Freed looked at Laxus he gulped and went faster. 

"You've doomed yourself Lucy. I hope you know this." I nodded.

"Let me go." I have magic I know my own tricks.

"WHAT!? LET YOU GO! ARE YOU INSANE!?" Sparky paled. 

"FREED! I'll be fine. I promise you I won't die." He looked at me then sighed letting go of my heads.

"Form: Angel Wings." I whispered as a light enveloped me. I stopped midair chuckling when Freed stopped and saw the two white wings sticking out of my back. Sparky had the 'Are you serious!' look on. Erza requipped while Mira went all Satan Soul however Mira stopped Erza.

"NO ONE WILL GET IN THE WAY OF LALU!" She screamed as I watched this unfold. 

"Think you can handle her Mira?" Her Satan Soul gave me the look making me sweat drop and fly off. Sparky was looking at me hovering there though while Master was trying to hold him back with the help of Natsu, Gajeel, and Grey. 

"Laxus! Don't do it!" Master said. I tilted my head in confusion. They paled while looking above me. I did to just in time to get an all to unpleasant shock. When it stopped I had to fly to the ground clutching my arm while trying to breath. Laxus paled basically telling me that this wasn't his doing. Curse Mother Nature.

"Lucy!" I heard them calling my name.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." I said in a monotone voice my eyes closed. When Master touched I screamed and not the nice kind of scream.

"MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A-." Laxus covered my mouth as I spewed the rest of my profanities. Master tried not to laugh. Erza's eyebrow was twitching. Natsu's mouth was hanging open, and Grey had covered his ears with ice because of the sound.

"Can I take my hand off now?" Sparky asked. Like he usually does I gave him the 'What do you think' look. He sighed and took it off. With that I put my hand over my wound.

"Magic Spell: Healing." It was almost as if it had reversed the effects in one second. It's a dangerous spell because in it I feel the pain I would've had to feel times a hundred. It's a risky spell which is why they say use caution when casting it. "Stupid mother nature." I mumbled.

"So is it true? Is my future brother in law this guy?" I glared at him.

"Maybe. If we manage through dating maybe." I said as the pain occurred.

"I see." When I took a breath it was very needed as i'd been holding my tongue to resist screaming more profanities. This hurts.

"I need to go home and rest. I've had enough of today. Open house thing as a cover up, being shot by lightning, and running for my life. Typical of a Fairy Tail wizard." I said groaning as I tried to stand up. Oh! Did I mention there were side effects of that magic spell? Fatigue, nausea, dizziness, excetera.  

"I'll help." Laxus said picking me up. "I did kinda shock you in the foot as well as being one of the causes to your day so might as well." People awed but I just smiled. They really are blinded. \

"F-Fine. It's not like you'll let me say no anyway." He laughed. 

"You know me so well." That's an overstatement.

"Whatever I just want to sleep!" I pouted as he headed off in the direction of my apartment. Not surprised he knew how to find it.

"You worried me Lucy. Telling Freed to drop you like that. Don't do it again. Even magic has its limits." He said as I snuggled into his chest the smell of Honey filling my nostrils. 

"I know. I just didn't want you to shock Freed." Laxus chuckled slightly.

"I wouldn't dare do that to him when he was thinking of my well being." This made me smile. 

"I'm tired. Next time you do something so stupid think about what it is you're doing." I said yawning.

"Okay blondie. Don't guilt trip me." How stupid.

"I'm never... gonna stop... Sparky." I felt my eyelids closing and couldn't hear the rest of what he said. I hope it wasn't to important. "I love you Sparky." It was the last thing I murmured which made him chuckle and from the heat I could feel plus his heartbeat made him turn red. 

I'm in love with Sparky.

And I don't regret it!

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