Part 15

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Laxus! Come on where the hell are you! When you looked around every person had an update list. There were thirty-seven people left now. Fairy Tail was fighting but they needed to do so to make it look like they were trying. While they feel into Freed's traps I rammed through the monsters as fast as possible. Where is he! Ugh! I'm surprised that I haven't run into anyone yet though I was taking a more abandoned route. I don't think they realize that they know i'm watching them. Right now i'm after Ever.

"Come on out Ever!" I singsonged sensing her presence around here. I heard a meep as I turned to find her cowering. "You are in some serious trouble Ever." My eyes held so much fire.

"I-I know! But I can't let you win!" I laughed.

"Oh but I already have. Look down." She did and saw a spell around her. "This spell will take you to the guild and keep you in the sphere until you comply on turning the girls back. It's your choice. You're already our according to this so it's your decision on however long you want to stay in this trap." I said smirking as she grumbled. "Enjoy dealing with the others." I said. As soon as I did that I checked the list. "Only thirteen left?! Are you serious." My guess for a few are Grey, Mira, Levy, Elfman, Natsu, and Gajeel maybe Luke? According to Levy who used Warren to tell me they broke a spell allowing Natsu and Gajeel free.

"You're up Sparky. Be prepared for an extra long beating." I screamed to the sky.

Meanwhile at the guild

Master saw that Evergreen had been caught and was mumbling something about how scary Lucy was. We heard a crack and saw Erza's stone shell cracking. Even Ever looked scared as she banged on the sphere. It began spreading. Master practically died seeing as he and Levy were the only ones here.

"What do we do Master! She's cracking!" Levy said running around her. The other girls began cracking as well.

"Crap! I forgot!" Ever said sitting back down. "Once I get out the spell wears off. They're shells crack and they go back to normal. That's why the counter hasn't gone down." With that the last of the shells cracked the girls coming out looking mad at Laxus not Ever.


"Don't worry. Lucy's handling it Cana." Master said. Erza smirked.

"So she had that much power. Who is she exactly Master?" He sighed.

"If I knew i'd tell you. I however do not know." Erza nodded.

"Come on girls. We have a Thunder Legion to take down." Erza said as she headed out the door the girls following. Levy was helping bring in the injured using a magic tracking device. It has all the names of the guild inputted in it.

"Please hurry Lucy." Master prayed. Silently all the girls were hoping she would win everyone was. Some were still in shock.

"Master. I think I may know who she is." Levy said bringing in Macao and Wakaba. "But it's a private matter that her and her brother are needed for. When they are back can you call us three in?" I nodded. If she knew something I was all ears.

"First let's hope that this all blows over smoothly. Dishing out punishments is not something I want to do." Especially to his grandson. He was the next guild-master! He doesn't want to have to banish him from Fairy Tail.

"Come on Lucy-Chan. Save him from his darkness." Levy whispered as she looked at the feed. Erza was against Bixlow and Mira against Freed who'd recently made Juvia sacrafice herself for Cana. Elfman and Cana were out as well.

"We can only hope my child." I whispered.

Save us all Lucy.

We know you can!

Back with Lucy

It felt as if i'd been running for forever. Let me think. There is a circle of Lacrima around the whole town. For them to all be accessible and shot at the same time there has to be a center point. If that was true then that'd be the abandoned Cathedral over near the town square. Of course he'd pick a populated place! This could be bad.

'Master?' I said through a mind link.

'Oh Lucy! What is it? I'm kinda needed in some treatment for the guild. It has a deathly aura.'

'It'll have to wait. I know where he is, but it's in a populated place. I need to have someone make up an excuse to get as many citizens and children out of this area as possible.' There was silence on his end.

'I understand. We will get as many available hands on it. Freed and Bixlow are out so there are no more runes so the remaining aren't here. Watch for Natsu and Erza. They're heading your way.' Oh great! More people.

'Got it Gramps! I promise to save Laxus! I'll make him come back!' I said with such confidence. I stood in the middle of the road as many citizens walked towards the guildhall smiling. I wonder what Master did this time?

'Why exactly is everyone smiling? Master what are you doing?' I heard him chuckle over the line.

'A magic show. As well as teaching kids. The adults are here to meet some wizards and learn about the guild. So kinda an open house. It's the first one Fairy Tail has done!' I smiled.

'Have fun. I'm in front of the cathedral. Wish me luck.' I shut the link and opened the doors.

"SPARKY!" I screamed.

"Blondie. I've been waiting for you." He said standing up in the steps a smirk on his face. Though it turned confused as he looked at my appearance.

"You've done something very stupid Laxus. I hope you're prepared to lose." I said pointing my sword at him.

"I hope you know i'm not going down without a fight." Electricity crackled around him making the lights break.

"Didn't expect you to. I'd be disappointed if you thought i'd let you without one."

I glared as I got into a fighting position.

He smirked as he stood there.

I lunged and it began.

I'll save you Laxus even if I have to beat you down in the process!

I didn't hear Erza and Natsu calling my name as Laxus slid under my blade.

I promise i'll save you!

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