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Worried can't begin to describe it. After the news reached us we raced home as fast as possible as I was worried. Lucy can handle herself but if it comes to friends? I don't think it'd be an easy battle to win especially with most of them being pregnant. I mean heck! Cana was pregnant and she was Cana for god's sake!

As soon as we got off the train I made a dash up the streets for Fairy Tail. Her scent was old and stale nothing had her smell on it which only worried me more.

"Come on baby where are you." I froze as I got to the place where our guild hall was and fell to my knees.

"Laxus are you... okay." Luke was looking at the tears dripping down my face as I saw the broken down guild which was nothing but dust and rubble. A groan filled my ears as we ran and saw that most of the guild was there. All male members that was with the exception of the few females.

"Where is she?" They all turned to us with solemn eyes.

"We couldn't fight back. We tried so hard. The girls. They went into labor and we tried sending for you as fast as possible. They had their children smoothly then we were attacked." Macao said. "He has blood red hair and green eyes a paintbrush and pen on his left ear. H-He turned Erza and Levy to stone as soon as they looked at him. We hoped Erza would get out as we fought but she didn't. Not at all. He kept going and going until Lucy was the only one standing trying to protect us." A tear pricked my eyes. "Between protecting us? And herself? She didn't choose herself. She choose us! I can hear those words so clearly. 'I will not abandon my family! Even at the cost of my freedom of my life and my sanity!' She was so brave, but like the rest he turned her into stone!"

"Laxus..." I had lightning all around my body. Not my girl. Not my baby. Lucius! What so I do!? The baby cooed at me smiling lightly. Everyone hung their heads as the tears fell from my eyes.

"I will find her. We will find them. What about their children?" They smiled as I saw Lisanna come out.

"I told Lucy i'd protect them with my life. That's what I did. All your children are safe. Every last one is accounted for and in Fairy Tail's possession." Natsu smiled softly.

"Thank you Lisanna." Gramps said. I'll find you Lucy. I promise you! I will not rest until you're back!

"What do we do master?" Elfman asked looking like a wreck. Gramps looked at me.

"We find them. As the new master of Fairy Tail that is a promise." I said turning to the smirking member who silently with their looks congratulated me.

"Well that's Fairy Tail for ya. We won't let someone steal from us. Not when it's out loving girlfriends, wives, and Fiancees. Let's get them back Laxus! Can't let out children grow up without their mothers now can we?"

I smirked at the salamander as we clasped hands both knowing that we would do anything to get them back.

"Let's do this Fairy Tail!"

We all screamed.

I smiled at Lucius.

"We'll get her back my child."

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