Part 19

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I woke up in my room the next morning my head still spinning a bit from the pain that was inflicted upon my arm not to mention the honey smell still lingered on my skin! Stupid Laxus! I hope he enjoys all that paperwork because to hell with it if i'm gonna go to the guild this morning besides I need sleep.

Just as I plopped myself down on my bed I heard Erza, Natsu, and Grey coming towards my house. Please tell me they aren't coming here.

"Natsu are you sure about this? She's really tired! For all you know she could be asleep. Everyone knows not to wake a sleeping Lucy. You should know first hand." You could hear the gulp from a mile away.

"W-Well as true as it may be Laxus would kill us if we didn't. None of us want to face that." My eye twitched as I threw a ball of water straight onto the three of them looking mighty angry.

"If you so much as TRY to drag me into that guild today I will make you suffer!" It was directed at the boys seeing as Erza's face was glued to the cake shop near my house.

"Great! We're going to die either way!" Grey said. That's it!

"Form: Hell Gun." A gun looking mighty red formed in my hand as they paled and I began shooting flames at them making them run home. This isn't fire just anyone can swallow. Natsu tried once...

"Lucy! Care to join me for some cake!" Erza said completely ignoring the screaming boys.

"I have a fresh baked one here in my apartment. You I will let in." She was at my apartment door in under three seconds. That cakes been there since this morning. Somehow I knew they would come.

"You're really tired aren't you?" She said as I placed the cake and plates on my table.

"Yeah. My healing spell drains me a bit." That was no exaggeration. There's a reason it's a legendary spell. "Anyway help yourself to as much as you want! I need to take a shower." Knowing those boys Laxus would be grumbling like a baby but laughing at the fact I used my abilities to chase them away.

The cool water hit my skin taking the pain away with it. No one seems to realize how much it hurt me to use that spell but that's because it only lasts about a second or so. Washing my arm hurt a bit because the area itself was very VERY sore. After that I wrapped up in a towel and went to my room seeing Erza devouring the cake. This made me chuckle when I entered my room.

Today I decided that I would wear a blue skirt and yellow top pulling my hair up in a messy bun then of course I needed shoes so I began slipping on my black flats. Erza was wiping the cake crumbs off of her mouth the whole cake completely devoured!

"Did you get your fill Erza?" I asked her while chuckling.

"Yes. This cake was a very delicious cake. You should cook more often. Where did you learn?" I went to the kitchen to wash the plates.

"Oh I just picked it up as I was traveling for training. Jellal couldn't really cook so it was more of my job." She nodded.

"I see. Jellal told me you cooked a lot for them during your training. It's really a special talent." Erza was sipping her fresh tea that i'd brewed for her. It was okay her being here. After all it's Erza!

"So has master decided what rank you are to be yet?" This made me drop a plate in the sink.

"Crap! I totally forgot about that!" I hit my head with my hand the soap dripping down my forehead.

"I see. You'll have to talk to master once he gets back from the meeting with the other guild masters." I forgot that he left! One of the many reason he put Laxus in charge while he was away so it kinda doesn't surprise me!

"I'll do that! How's it going with Jellal?" Her face turned a tint of red. "Come on Erza you're dating a nice guy. I'm dating an agitated spark plug!" She let out a loud laugh at that.

"It's going well. An agitated spark plug? Is that really his character?" I nodded as we laughed about how silly they both were. It was nice to have someone who can relate to me for once. It's really really nice. Erza has always been one to hide how she feels about the people around her but it's quite clear that her family at Fairy Tail has been her number one priority since she joined! That's how it is for most people I think.

"Well you got a taste of it yesterday remember?" She nodded taking another sip of her tea.

"Speaking of which. He wanted to see you before he was locked up in that office all day. You probably should go see him before he never leaves the room." This made me laugh. I mean I could do that but where's the fun?

"Nah. I think i'll let him suffer. Deserves it for shocking my poor foot yesterday!" We laughed.

"Then do you want to go on a job with me? I need to do something productive or I think I might die!" Now she's dramatic. "Plus you can take an S-Class job if you go with me." True and I do kinda maybe need some rent money.

"I'm down. It can be a girls thing seeing as Natsu and Grey may or may not be nursing their burned butts." Probably should have thought before doing so but I was mad and tired! In other words I was in what most other girls would kindly refer to as bitch mode though most put it in dramatics.

"Good. They need a break for a while." She and I walked down the streets towards the guild. She took the job and got it stamped while I waited outside for her. No way was I going in there with a pissed Laxus on the loose! I value my life and my sanity!

After she came out we headed to some Island where they were having troubles with some rogue wyverns. Nasty little creatures. Said we could keep the scales if we wanted seeing as they had no use for them. It was pretty easy to thin them down as well as get rid of the leader of the pack. The scales were really pretty as they were all different shapes and colors!

"Well these sure are magnificent aren't they?" Erza said.

"I can actually infuse these with magic! It's a hobby of mine." With that I got back and went to the foreign area downstairs with Erza. "I think i'll make a few communication ones. That way Master can keep updated on us as well as some of the guild members. We're not always going to have Warren!" Erza nodded satisfied with my choice. We made about twenty which we kept in a box for Master to divvy out as he see's fit.

When we got back it was already nightfall. It had taken us a day or two to get the mission done as well as travel there and back. Kinda was like a girls night out! However once we stepped through the guild doors I was prepared for a whole lot of anger from a certain Spark Plug.

"Erza I think i'm gonna die." I whispered as we stopped in front of the guild doors.

"Relax. Master should be back and he wouldn't let you die. I think. I mean it is Laxus. Plus Master might be tired..." Oh Mavis please save my soul!

"I get it! I have a fifty-fifty chance of dying!" I quickly said putting my hand in the door. Oh god. I don't think I can do it. It's so nerve wrecking. WIth that I pushed open the door immediately attacked by Levy and Wendy.

"THANK GOD! WE WERE GOING MAD!" Everyone looked so relieved when I stepped in the room.

"What are you talking about? I was out on a mission. Didn't you know?" Before I could realize what they meant my hairs stood on end literally.

"Lucy..." It wasn't the sweet voice.

"O-Oh t-that's why."

Behind me was Spark Plug looking very Agitated with me.

Oh mother help me!

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