Part 27

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"Come on! Let me sleep." It's been three months and yes I was now large as a melon.

"No! You have worried everyone sick with not going to go to the guild and Gramps wants me to bring you in as well! Besides I miss seeing you there Luce! Even though you are as you say 'a melon', so stop worrying about it!" It's not him whom I am worried about. I see Laxus everyday after all but not my brother, not master, or Erza, or Mira, or well anyone!

"It's not them i'm worried about! Luke hasn't heard and I don't want to die yet!" Natsu laughed as he helped me walk down the streets with a two months pregnant Lisanna.

"Relax Lucy. We wouldn't let him near you. Besides we pregnet women have to stick together!" I laughed as she stated it so boldly. She grew out her hair so it was a bit over her shoulders which right now was held in a tight pony.

"I guess but still! The rate i'm going in this pregnancy-" I put a hand to my stomach as a wave of pain shot through my lower region a wet liquid dripping down my legs. "SHIT!" Lisa knew what was going on and stayed with me while she yelled at an already running Natsu to get Laxus, Master, Wendy, and Erza.

"Come on Lucy! Just breathe in and out." Easy for her to say! She's not going through this.

"I'm gonna laugh," I let out a scream. "WHEN THIS IS YOU! OW!" Lisanna sweat-dropped at my words knowing that this would indeed be her one day.

"Hurry up Natsu!" Lisanna screamed as the minutes past until we heard five or six sets of footsteps heading this way.

"WHERE IS SHE NATSU!?" That was Erza. I bit my tongue and took in another breathe as Lisanna clutched my hand.

"We're over here!" She let out as they were here in under a second.

"Mother of Mavis this hurts like a bitch!" I said as I was lifted up and rushed particularly fast into the guild's infirmary.

"Everyone out except the blue haired girl and the father if present." Laxus and Wendy stayed as Prosilica started to work. It hurt's like a bitch but that's okay. Right? "How long ago did this start?" They shook their heads.

"Thirty-" I let out another wail. "THIRTY MINUTES AGO!" I squeezed Laxus hand as another contraction hit me full force.

"Well everything seems to be going well. Whether you like it or not your child want's out. Now." I took another breath as Wendy followed every order to a T.

"It's okay baby. You'll be okay just take deep breathes." I was looking at him biting my lip as it only seemed to get more painful.

"If only it were that simple! IT HURTS LIKE A-" I let out another scream as it seemed that yes whether I liked it or not my child was coming out right now. A tiny cry filled my ears. Best part about having abnormal genes during pregnency? When you're giving birth it doesn't last nearly as long as it would for a regular human or wizard.

My body relaxed a bit as she cut the umbilical cord and wiped the gunk off of it's face handing it to Wendy who was pale but all the same took the child.

"Aw! It's a boy! You two have an adorable baby!"

"You did good." Laxus stroked my hair.

"How bout next time you try giving birth?" He just laughed. "Then you can know my pain!" After that they cleaned up the child with us laughing placing him in my arms softly after I myself got cleaned up.

"So what do we want to call him?" He had blond hair with one brown eye the other a clear blue.

"Hmm..." I looked at him. "How about we call him Lucius Makarov Dreyar. Matches him don't you think?" Laxus smiled.

"What's with that middle name?" He let a tear drip out of his eyes.

"After your grandfather. An inspiration to many." We smiled.

"Little Lucius," He took his child. "Welcome to the world little buddy."

I smiled as I relaxed letting him play with the blond fuzz on our sons head.

I was so happy. My child. Lucy's child. We were parents! This makes me so happy to know that not only will Gramps stop telling me to have a child but I have a reason to ask Lucy to move in with me now. I've been looking for an excuse for a while now and here it is!

Lucius grabbed at my nose fiddling around with his hands. Lucy had fallen asleep a little while ago but then who can blame her when she had to go through such pain! I laughed as Lucius wrapped his fingers around my own trying to bite them with his gums.

"I have a son." Wendy smiled at me as I placed him back into his bin where he played with his toes.

"I'm guessing you're gonna stay here with Lucy and your son?" I simply nodded as I looked at the girl I wanted so badly to marry already. If I had a choice, which thanks to my grandfather I don not neither did Lucy actually, we'd be married already! Though thanks to that man we are going to have to wait to have a proper Fairy Tail wedding as he calls it.

Soon enough I fell asleep next to them my hand holding my Fiancee's. I was awoken by a chuckle that was only able to be defined as Lucy's after all i've memorized that laugh as well as every possible sound that she can possibly make out of that mouth of hers though I do wish to hear her moaning my name again I can't when I know she might get pregnant again. I have to let her heal first unfortunately for a week or two.

"Morning to you sleepyhead." I lifted my head with a smile as I watched her holding our baby boy. She was playing with the fluff on his head looking at me with a soft smile gracing her lips.

"Morning to you to. Don't you think you should still be resting?" I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'd rather get up and show the antsy people our son. We both know I can get up." I laughed as she swung her legs over the bed and pulled on a pair of clothing that had been set aside earlier. "Besides," She turned to me. "Don't you have to see the Thunder Legion? They must be missing you." I threw a look at her as she walked out fully clothed with Lucius in her arms a blue blanket wrapped around him.

"There is now way i'm letting you ditch me." I grabbed her around her waist stopping her right as we exited the infirmary. We headed down the hallway smiling as we got to the stairs. Master was sitting down there eyes widened at the sight of our bundle of joy tears clouding his eyes.

"I'M A GREAT GRANDPA!" There was so much cheering it was deafening but that was okay. We all smiled as he jumped around.

"His name is Lucius Makarov Dreyar." Master stopped tears in his eyes. "His middle name after an inspiring wizard." Lucy said tilting her head in a nodding fashion. At this point he was full out crying the people around him smiling as he had starry eyes.

"Come on Gramps. No crying." He bit his quivering lip.

"LET'S CELEBRATE THE NEW ADDITION TO THE DREYAR AND FAIRY TAIL FAMILY!" Lucy and I smiled as she leaned on my shoulder out baby boy being as bubbly as he was a few minutes ago.

"Hey Lucy? Can I ask you something?" She tilted her head as she drank her smoothie before coming over to me after making sure our child was safely being held in a cooing Erza's arms. Jellal was smiling at her an arm draped around her hip.

"What is it?" We were outside the guild doors as I just smiled looking towards the sky.

"I kinda need to ask this now that I have a reason to," I looked at her confused demeanor with a smirk that always irritated her. "Would you do me the honors of moving in with me?" She was quiet but laughed all the same.

"I was wondering just how long it was gonna take you to ask me!" With that she pulled me to her by the collar of my shirt. "Of course I would you dimwit."

I smiled.

No one knew that it wasn't going to last as long as we all wanted it to.

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