Part 22

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It's been about six months since it went around town that I started dating Laxus. Let's just say not a lot of people were all happy about it. Apparently it was the same for Erza and Cana as well as the boys. Laxus was out on a mission so we haven't really talked as it was seemingly important to him.

I've been busy with Mira on getting her photo's in the album. Such a project! Her album was almost full though all sections had about the same amount of pictures. Something tells me that she has more than she lets on.

"Mira? Is this seriously all you have? I mean it looked like you took a whole lot of them!" SHe just shrugged as I laughed it off. Everything was okay with me now. I had a boyfriend whom I loved, a family whose links are still strong, and a place I can finally call home! Yes life was good even with the events of the past. Not many can say they lived through hell, but i can after all it's my everyday life! It's just the way it is with the power I have.

"So have you talked with Laxus recently?" Levy asked. I shook my head.

"No. I haven't heard from him in two weeks. I'm honestly very worried." I am though the job he was on was supposed to last for about two and a half weeks. The job insisted that they, bring the Thunder Legion, take down the demons and dark guild plaguing their town though these were some pretty tough guilds and demons weren't exactly fun to deal with either!

"I see. I thought he would you being his girlfriend and all, but they do go on missions a lot so can't expect them not to." My rank was that of a Wizard Saint and i've declined the requests to going many a times! I wanted a peaceful life and never got it seeing as the media was being quite persistent on making me known to the wizarding community though i've bribed them not to on multiple occasions.

"He's fine! It's Laxus. I trust him to make it back safely!" As if on cue Loki one of my spirits walked in looking mighty spiffy in his suit hair standing on end. "Speak of the devil. Nice hair Loki." I laughed as he glared at me shaking his head.

"One day! One flipping day you two are gonna get your butts kicked by yours truly!" We all knew he was joking but it was still very funny! "Though I might want to reconsider since you are my contracter. If you get hurt i'll get kicked out again!" Oh sweet triumph how sweet you are to me! Everyone in the guild broke out laughing as I finished pasting the last photo into the book commemorating Lalu and Jerza. With that I handed Mira her book who was smiling like there was no tomorrow.

"Welcome back!" Mira said putting the book away on the photo album shelf under Fairy Couples. "We were wondering when you would get back you had us worried." Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, and Ever walked in looking worn out as hell which somehow made me feel bad for them.

"Yeah well the Mayor insisted they throw a party for us seeing as we did the job without casualty or damage. It lasted a few days." Ever said plopping down at their usual table. I was talking with Natsu and Grey who were fighting again. I felt a pair of arms around me waist as I put my own hands over them.

"Natsu! Grey! Come on! For one day don't fight!" They humphed and turned away walking the separate direction of the other. "Welcome back Sparky." I only call him other things when we are alone. Still a virgin though!

"I missed you babe." He sat me on his lap again as he usually did. Jellal joined the guild! Jerza was made official which made everyone in the guild happy! Sparky still is being a spark plug as usual.

"I missed you to." Was all I replied as I let him for this one time hold me close to him.

"Sure you did. That's why you didn't call me." I looked away as fast as possible my face turning a tint of red making Ever have hearts in her eyes as her and Elfman looked at us.

"W-Well maybe I prefer talking to you face to face!" He laughed and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Nice to know." My face only got redder. He's such an idiot! Why am I with him again? "That just means i'll have to come by to see you more often." He whispered into my ear making me blush a deep red.

"You don't have to. I'm fine by myself." He chuckled as I felt him drawing circles on my thigh.

"Says the fact that you weren't mad when I put my arms around you." True. I hated when he did that in public, but I made an exception.

"S-Shut up." I hated what he does to me! Stupid Sparky! Making my brain all confused. This isn't fair after all he makes it so I can't breath! Why is it that every single time he does this to me that it get's hard to imagine that without him I would still be hiding my powers and a single pringle. Now that I think about it maybe it wouldn't be as bad as it seems. Not having a red face all the time. A calm non-lovey dovey life. That is a wish now isn't it?

"Nah. I think you like that I do this to you." Laxus whispered in my ear seductively. At this point I stood up and left not caring that he was calling me. My face was redder than red as I got to my apartment and plopped down on my couch to hide my face.

"Stupid! I'm not meant to be a cherry!" I still hid my face as it was almost time for me to go to sleep seeing as it was pretty late. Oh well. I can't sleep with him still on my mind! It's so unfair in so many levels!

"Blondie!" I turned my head and saw Laxus looking a big angry. My face only turned redder seeing as he was shirtless...

"Meep!" I dug my head back into the couch. He walked over and started tickling me making me laugh and then fall onto the floor with a groan. This hurts! I hate my life! I'm only eighteen. I'm not meant to be a human tomato! He picked me up and sat down on the couch with my back on guess where? His lap!

"You're mean Blondie. You really shouldn't run away from me. I just want to hang out with my girlfriend. Is that a crime?" I huffed before closing me eyes.

"I'm not meant to be a tomato Laxus. So sorry babe," I placed a quick peck on his lips. "But i'll run if I want to." He frowned at those words.

"I'll always catch you." He mumbled into my neck.

"I know. I'll still run." It doesn't matter anymore does it? No matter how much I try to resist it he'll always find a way to drag me back.

"That's just cruel." I turned my head ot him and smiled.

"I know. Who would I be if I didn't give a chase?" This made him smirk as I felt him pin me down on the couch.

"A perfect girlfriend?" This made me laugh.

"Maybe. It's more fun to not be that though." He had his nose to mine.

"Of course you'd say that." He then placed a kiss on my lips. Not how I imagined this would go but that's okay. I put my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me as he ran his hands up my body. Something tells me this is not going to stop...  

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