Part 6 Diary Entry II

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Two years. It's all I have left before I can go home! The training has helped a lot after all it seems that i've begun to get a hang of all the power growing inside me. I can tel because I haven't had to leave to let my magic burst out all that often anymore. It's truly a dream come true though that's probably only for me. Everyone at the guild seems to be doing fine according to Jellal just as rowdy as the day I left that's for sure! That in itself is a very terrifying yet relieving thought.

When I speak of Erza our dear boy Jellal's eyes light up faster then anyone's on the planet. Anyone could tell he had a crush on the dear re-quip mage though she doesn't even realize is which makes it all the funnier to make him endure that Ultear agrees with. Oh! Her friend Meredy joined in as well on the whole training me thing which trust me made it a lot more fun as well as a whole lot more painful. Enduring it is just one of the many traits and skills i've mastered when it comes to dealing with this bunch.

Master's waiting according to them all. They told me when they went to see how the guild was that it seemed to lack some of it's former luster that heck even Gilarts and Natsu weren't as hyper-active or in the old mans case destructive as they used to be! It brings a smile to my face knowing that they're still the same old Fairy Tail I joined those three years ago though i've only spent one year there so who am I to talk right? It's silly I know but they're family to me something one can only wish to hold.

"Time for more training!" I laughed as Ultear shouted it to me.

"Coming!" I smiled at my book before placing it in my bag. I'll be home soon Fairy Tail!

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