Part 3

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I got to know Natsu, Erza, and Grey right of the bat! 

Erza had her own special magic which she called re-quip magic!

Natsu was a fire dragon slayer which kinda makes sense his personality and all. No offense he's a hot-headed moron sometimes.

Grey is an ice-make wizard! I honestly think it's so cool! I love looking at what it creates with it after all he has good taste when deciding what to use.

We've become good friends as the weeks passed on though i've become friends with the others to! I hated leaving people out. I've been trying to push Natsu and Lisa together with a little help from the demon matchmaker aka Mira.

"Mira! Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" She nodded and started making it. Somehow even though she was still young she ran the bar like a pro!

"Luce!" I turned to see Natsu.

"Oh! Hey Natsu. What's up?" I said laughing.

"Master said you and I could go on a job with Gildarts! It's our first mission Luce!" We were only allowed to shadow him, but it was a job nonetheless.

"And you want me to come don't you?" I already knew by how he said our though I acted as if he was referring to Happy.

"Well yeah. We made a promise didn't we?" People were awing though Lisanna smirked knowing that Mira and I were trying to get them together.

"True. I guess i'll go. I mean what's the worst that can happen!" A shock was sent through someone. I saw Laxus holding someone by the neck.

"What did you say?!" He was an idiot. I ran up and kicked him in the shin hitting his neck making him go numb. He was hurting her. The girl ran off.

"Really Laxus? Are you trying to get in trouble with your grandfather?!" I shouted as people were silent. "This is the third time this week. Get a grip already." I shook my head as I smiled at Evergreen who mouthed thank you along with Freed and Bixlow.

I went back to Natsu and smiled as people waited for Laxus to loose the numbing feeling in his muscles as one would put. Happy flew into my arms as I patted his head softly making him purr.

"So when's this mission?" I asked him while he smiled his usual goofy smile.

"Today! Gildart should be here soon actually." I laughed. Another one of the cities shifting drills huh? Oh boy.

"He's here! GET READY!" I sat on a chair and gripped for dear life like most people did. As soon as it was over you could see Natsu on the floor sick as a dog. I grabbed him and pulled him onto  a chair as his idol come in.

"Where's the two kids i'm supposed to take?" I raised my hand the other pointing to Natsu. He laughed and walked over. "And what's your name?" I smiled sweetly.

"Lucy." He shook my hand. 

"Well let's get going. I'll carry Natsu." I held up a hand.

"NATSU! IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP RIGHT NOW I'LL MAKE YOU RIDE THE TRAIN FROM HERE TO TEN BUCK TWO!" He shot up at that as everyone laughed when he paled.

"I'M UP!" Gildarts' laughed his ass off.

"I like this girl already and I just met her!" Gildarts' headed over to Cana as they chatted. They were daugher and Father they knew it to though it's one of the reasons he comes back as often as he does according to Mira at least.

With that we headed out. A certain dragon slayer was worried for the little blonde girl.

"So what exactly are you going to do?" I asked as I gave Happy a fish.

"Take down a dark guild. Though I don't understand why he wants you two to shadow me on this." He said rubbing his chin. After that he shrugged as he stopped in his tracks. "Seems we've already run into them. I heard they were close, but I didn't think this close." His magic activated as Natsu sat in the corner cheering him on. A whole lot were around us. Even the strong mage himself looked a bit worried.

"Relax. It doesn't pay to worry. Go to sleep Natsu." With that Natsu fell asleep. "What you are about to see you tell no one about Guildarts' are we clear?" I gave him a look that could rival Erza's.

"What are you planning to do." I turned back.

"Form Blood Sword." Particles from the air came to me as a sword of red hardened blood with an an iron handle. I lunged launching myself as high speeds bringing down a quarter of them in one swipe. The blood splattered on each of their cloaks and exploded making the power that came out knock them out cold as well as wipe any memory of me. I turned and doubled the swords. 

"Blood Wave." With a swing a wave of the dots hit the remaining people though some were still conscious. "Think you can handle the rest." He looked at me in amazement but nodded. He did as I woke up Natsu just in time for him to see his idol fight the remaining few.

"Yeah! You go Guildarts!" Natsu shouted as if he hadn't fallen asleep. Using my magic made me feel better. My body can't handle the amount I have right now. When it was over we tied them up and took them into the prison. When we got back I was about to walk to my corner but felt a hand on my shoulder.

"We need to talk Lucy." The guild looked at me strangely.

"About what exactly." He smirked.

"About how to tell Natsu he fell asleep half-way through the mission." It wasn't a lie more of a cover up.

"I suppose." With that we sat down in the corner and talked. "Don't ever mention it. No one knows an that's how it should stay." I whispered.

"You have talent. You could be one of the highest ranking wizards in Fairy Tail. I know that's not your only power. People have seen you use Celestial Mage Magic! Just how much do you have?" I snickered.

"To much to count. My body is still to young and frail to handle this magic and it only get's stronger. It's a relief when I can use it. No one knows and I want it to stay that way. Being seen as as an average mage. It's a dream come true! I need you to keep what you saw to yourself." He sighed.

"So if you use it you feel better but if you don't you have little magic fits I presume?" I nodded.

"Why do you think I disappear from the guild once a month. I have to let it all out or it'll be catastrophic! Imagine your destruction magic," He nodded. "Times that by a hundred and you have the damage I could cause." He paled. "Knowing that do you think they'd want me in the guild? Much less the town?" He nodded.

"I see." He rubbed his temples. "I won't tell a soul."

Thank God. 

Little did anyone know the same Dragon Slayer who worried for the blond had heard everything though he to internally vowed never to tell a soul not that he didn't already know her power...

A secret's a secret.

How long before it's out?

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