Part 4

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My Fourteenth Birthday is Today. I'm happy I get to spend it with some awesome people before I leave to train. People know i'm leaving to train for about three maybe four years and are quite sad but I won't leave till next week. People think it's standard spirit training with a few celestial historians but it's actually with my friend Jellal and Ultear who are helping me learn to control it. 

It'll be long and it'll be hard, but it is Jellal and Ultear. They owe me. I mean I saved Jellal from Zeref and destroyed the Tower of Heaven before anything bad could happen! Ultear well she just follows Jellal.

"Happy Birthday Lucy!" The guild shouted as I walked in. I chuckled at them all.

"Geez! You all scared me! No fair." I said crossing my arms over my small chest. I know people's pain when they have small breasts...

"Come on! We're here to celebrate Luce! It'll be the last one you have with us for four years!" Natsu shouted pushing me up towards the bar. They're were enough cupcakes for the guild but only fourteen were lit with candles.

"It's not like you won't see me again?" Cana sat me down as she poured herself a drink. Mira was taking photos and Levy was sitting to my left Erza to my right with the two itiots *Cough* Grey and Natsu *Cough* on either side of my head. Mira knelled and took a group phone with a group of photobomers aka Ever, Freed, Bixlow, Laxus, Happy, Elfman, Cana, Master, Jet, Droy, and a few other like Biska and Alzack.

It was a beautiful photo and I honestly loved it! It was a memory in the making. We smiled and laughed to our hearts content. There was no worry about what was to come after all it was a celebration! One for the leaving and the aging member who would be eighteen when she returned. 

Everyone knew that it would feel empty but they also knew that they would see me again! I think it's what's keeping them from crying. At least I hope it is. Magic training. It will be strenuous and painful. Sure by the end my magic will be controllable and I won't have to leave the guild once a month, but it'll work me to the bone as well as build up my magical power. No matter what i'll get stronger each power one by one. It's just facts.

"Lucy-Chan?" I turned to Levy who was stuffing her face with a cupcake. "When you come back from your trip. How will we recognize you?" I pointed to Natsu.

"Not only will I still have my Fairy Tail mark, but Natsu could smell my scent instantly. Just ask him." Natsu scratched his head.

"It isn't to forget. It's a sweet scent! Strawberry and Vanilla!" I laughed and gave him a fist bump.

"Oh and Erza! I forgot to give you this last week! I had extra batter and made one of these." I pulled out a boxed cake and sit it before her. As soon as she opened it I was in a bone crushing hug.

"You know me so well. I'll miss you Lucy! Come back safely!" I laughed. They act as if I won't be here another week.

"I will Erza." I said with a laugh.

"Yo Lucy. Thank's for making Flame Brain over here a bit smarter though he's still dumb. "We'll see you when you get back!"

"Did you guys you forget that I literally still have a week give or take before I need to go? They nodded.

"If you get called early then I want to have at least said see you soon." Their logic was sound but still annoying never the less.

"Indeed. As the Master I have to say you soon today as well because you really never know when or how you'll get there. Time changes as to assigned dates. It's a habit for us to say farewell ahead of time! It really is though i'm happy that we met you that year or so ago. You've made quite the impression on everyone here Lucy! I hope it's the same when you come back." I laughed. Loki sat in the corner winking at me. He was one of my spirits that I let roam about because it sucked up much useless magic.

"Well thank you master. I assume that you're gonna wait aren't you." He gave me a hearty chuckle.

"Of course we will my child! Fairy Tail isn't the same without it's Lucy Heartfilia." Many people nodded in agreement which I didn't really expect, but at the same time I did expect something along those lines after all Master is quite the persuasive speaker when it comes to smooth words as most people would call it. I'll miss them sure it's a given, but it's not like i'm gonna die!

Scratch that I might die. It's Jellal and Ultear! They'll make me brake every bone in my body before they thing i'm ready to start training my magical power! I'm in for a very VERY long and very painful.

"Y-Yeah I guess I can understand your logic then. Though I don't think I will always get why." With those words said we partied and partied like there was no tomorrow like the sun wouldn't shine and the moon would stay raised in the sky forever. I wish it would. In reality I wanted today to be like this forever. Smiles and joy. It was something void from my childhood. It's painful to think about though it's also funny to think about. Wanting the moon to stay out to chase away the sin. A interesting wish for a child.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone here lives an awesome fun filled life! It would make me so happy. Though not seeing it happen makes it sadder. Oh well they'll smile and so will I. I'll change and get stronger so will they. No one can stay the same as they were. It's not in natures cycle. 

I'm human. I will change. Try to stay this way in this one happy moment means you can't make anymore happy moment's. It's what it means to be a human. I'm okay with it. Humanity is like this and we're alive and kicking! So it's okay right? To be this way?

"I'll miss ya Blondie." Laxus whispered behind me.

"You to Sparky." I whispered back.

Four years. 

Let's do this!

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