I Need Ya'll's Help. PLEASE!

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Hello Lovelies! I'm sorry I've been gone for such a long time. A lot of stuff happened! 

So a couple things!

1) I want to get into new types of fanfiction from Anime type shows and probably make some OCxCharacter ships, but I need help finding a place to start!

2) Do you all want me to do a questionnaire thing? I feel like people are starting to ask me more so might be better to do it for everyone. 

3) I need to make new covers for this book, but I suck at anything artsy! Anyone of you willing to make a cover I'd really appreciate it. 

4) Please start yelling at me guys! I'm on wattpad on the daily but seem to forget I'm here to write and not read! Please yell at me to get on a consistent schedule! 

That right there is really all there is to it! Private Message me with ideas or leave a comment below and I'll be looking over them in the next week. For those wanting to send me covers either pm them to me please! I appreciate any and all submissions in that regard. If I don't get any I'll see about finding a cover I can make off a picture. Again PM me anime to watch so I can get into fandoms or shoot me ideas about OCxCharacters as I am currently trying to do for BNHA! 

Thank you all for reading! 

Have a good night!

(Lol sorry! It's like 9 PM right now for me)

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