Part 29

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"Okay! We've come together as the higher ranking guilds as well as council members to discuss the retirement of Makarov Dreyar and the appointmenship of his Grandson Laxus." There was a slightly irritating silence around the room though my Grandpa was playing with Lucius.

"Makarov I can see he wants to retire, but Laxus' stepping up? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me." It was the council's tenth ranked member. I sighed.

"And why is that to you? Is it because of the battle I caused a year ago? Because i'm his grandson? Because of who my father is?" I spoke patting my son's head. With that I stepped into the center of the room.

"T-Those are all part of it. Yes." I looked at him slightly chuckling.

"Tell me," A slight humor was in my tone. "Have you ever once been in a guild?" None of them have. "Have you once experienced the treasure we call guilds?" His eyes bore embarrassment.

"W-Well-." I cut him off by using a crack of thunder.

"Have you ever trained to protect one? To protect people you love?" They were all silent. "I've been in a guild. I was raised by my Grandfather to be set as Fairy Tail's next master. I've spent my whole life in the guild. Met my Fiancee in that guild. Had a son. Experienced the love put into a guild. I may not have been perfect in the past heck far from it. I abandoned all hope of making the guild strong when my fiancee sunk it in deeper like salt on a wound. When I first had the idea? I didn't expect to be defeated, but I was. And I was stuck doing a hell of a lot of paperwork for it. Gramps trained me over again so I could fix what I didn't know and what I needed to. So while you think i'm unsuited for it? I'm actually suited for it than any of you on the magic council because I wouldn't need to disappear when someone needed me or when someone was in danger who I care for dearly. Being a master has more curses then blessing as you become attached to the guild as well as its members. My son is someone I need to protect. My grandfather is someone I need to protect. My Fiancee is someone I need to protect. My friends are all people I need to protect. I'm not saying i'm innocent. I've already noted my wrongs and went through hell to receive forgiveness from those I hurt. I'm more suited than any of you because none of you have ever been in the Fairy Tail guild. You don't know it's rules, you don't know the people, and you don't understand what makes us a guild worth joining. I'm the most suited and i've learned my lessons like it was a punch in the face. Discuss it among yourselves. I have to go see my son before this continues for however long you make it. Just so you know, i'm not backing down till you understand no one replaces me as the next master. No one." With that I picked up my son and tickled him with the smiling guild members who seemed pleased with my response to them.

"You have guts Laxus. Speaking up to the magic council like that. I'm proud though, to see that you've finally learned what it means to be part of a guild. To think that all it took was Lucy to make you see the better in it. If I had known that then I wouldn't have let her leave you!" I just store at him while he kept talking about how proud he was of me. Doesn't he know that it was Lucy who did this? He doesn't realize he had nothing to do with my change of heart right?

"Lucias," I whispered in his ear. "Your Great-Grandpa is a weirdo." Lucius laughed at me trying to bite my finger with his gums again. You have to admit he was adorable! Lucy and I did good. Having him was one of the best things in my life even if it was on accident it would always be the best thing of my life though i'm just wishing Grandpa would hurry it up with this wedding thing. It's getting irritating with everyone of our friends in on it except for Lucy and I which trust me makes it all the more aggravating.

"So do you think they're gonna accept him? They've been talking about it for hours now." Gajeel said as he leaned up against one of the stone pillars Natsu out like a rock on the bench nearby. We were all tired but until this was figured out we would have to stay here.

"Well, Jellal is in there plus some of our allies from other guilds who would be all too happy to see me retire in my old age. It's all too likely as well as all to unlikely that he'll be guild master though I hope for everyone's sake it is. I'd like to sit downstairs in the guild with everyone else and converse once in awhile. I'm not getting any younger." It was true. Knowing the council they would be all to agreeing to have him retire so they could place a more responsible stricter person in his place but seeing as only the masters of the guild could appoint a new successor and he choose me they knew that they'd have to change his mind which it seems at this point is near impossible.

"Well there is no point in fretting over it if it can't be help-." Luke was cut off when the doors swung open and Jellal ushered me in and myself alone.

"Don't worry gramps we'll be fine! We're Fairy Tail! I'm not giving up my rightful position that easily!" My gramps smiled at me as I walked in and the doors closed behind me.

"Laxus Dreyar grandson of Fairy Tail's current master Makarov Dreyar," It was Jellal who spoke. "You have been decided to be the next master of Fairy Tail." It was as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. "Congrats man! Wait till the guild hears it!" I chuckled when I heard something crack.

"LAXUS! WE'VE GOT AN EMERGENCY!" Gramps said barging in with a now pale group. "Some person attacked Fairy Tail! Since we weren't there and most the girls were in labor they couldn't fight back! The guild hall..." He had tears in his eyes. "It's been destroyed!" Jellal and I were already heading out the door as was Jura one of the other council members.

"Let's get going! Gramps grab Lucius will ya." Come on! We have to get back home.

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