Part 10

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It's never seemed so sereal. It hasn't been that long but everything seem the same. We'd gotten new members here and there but that was natural. Natsu and I went on missions with Grey and Erza quite often though i declined their offer to join the team. They'd known for a while I was a soloist. Master thought it was dangerous but it wasn't anymore. I'd be safe as usual. No one could hurt me after all who could? My powers just suck it all up. Unfair I know though sometimes I do get hurt which is no surprise. It really isn't.

"So..." Erza said turning to me. "What was it like? The training." I groaned at the thought and hit my head on the table.

"Awful. My bones were like jelly after it all!" She patted my back. 

"i see. Grueling." We smiled at each other. The guild was fighting but we were to busy talking.

"You could call it that. I've gotten better though! I wouldn't be a soloist if that was the case." We both nodded.

Everyone was still fighting but we just watched as it continued. We would periodically laugh at them all though they were to enveloped in the chaos to care. Chaos. It's a wonderful thing to want for an evil person though here it was for fun the fighting I mean. Erza was flipping through a book.

"What's this?" I asked. It was filled with photos. To the brim! 

"A Photo Album. Every so often like once or twice a month we put in a few pictures. Want to take a look?" I nodded and flipped through. I smiled.

"You put this one in here?" It was the picture we took on my birthday.

"Of course it was a special and sad day for us. We'd all agreed on including it since there wouldn't be another for four years." I smiled at her. I saw Natsu, Grey, Erza, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, and many other's as kids.

"This is one of Laxus and Master when they were younger." I smiled but store at the picture as she pointed it out. Laxus looked weird as a kid but familiar all the same. Master as well. They were so familiar that it was scary.

"Lucy?" I kept looking training my finger over it. So familiar. It's like a dream. Sparky huh? There's no way we met when I was younger. Absolutely no way! ME meet HIM? He's got such an attitude now that I highly doubt this smile was real.

"Lucy!" Erza shouted shaking me. I snapped to.

"S-Sorry lost in thought!" I said smiling my usual smile. It was only natural.

"I see. You were staring at it as if your life depended on it." I looked up at master who looked everywhere but at me.

"Yeah. Sure." She followed my eyesight. Why was it so familiar to me? I can't put my finger on it!

"Well we should get going. It's getting late and you look like you could use some sleep." Erza said closing the book and putting it on the shelf.

"Yeah that's probably true!" I said scratching my head. We walked out as I threw one last look at a hoping master. He just had that look in his eyes. 

With that I went home climbed in my bed and closed my eyes.

'You're a horrible excuse for a son!' There was a voice urging the girl to go forward.

'I-I'm sorry.' Looking there was a little boy being kicked by a dark looking man.

'You? Sorry doesn't make one stronger! You're weak! You're not fit to be the next leader of Phantom Lore!' The girl's fist's clenched. He swung his fist down as the child who tried to get up. she jumped in turning my arms to steel blocking the punch.

'Don't you think it's a little cruel to pick on a kid?' The girl said her voice strong as he growled. The blond haired boy sat there in shock. He looked at his savior. A little girl with blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. A bow in her hair.

'Scram kid! This is not your business.' The girl smirked darkly and laughed.

'You should be the one running.' The boy felt her magic power rise and so did he. 'Black Mist.' She whispered. The boy's father Ivan was wrapped in a cloud of mist his screams evident. His eyes were full of fear.

'It's not fun to feel others pain is it? To watch your own fear play in front of your eyes as you're helpless to control it.'  The boy was a amazed with the girl. 'It hurts. Watching everything you worked for and loved blow away like sand in a storm.' She stepped at his now crumpled body. 'It feels as if you've been shot doesn't it?' She whispered.

She turned towards me and smiled offering me a hand.

'It's okay now. He can't hurt you.' The boy took that hand. 'If you want to protect what's important to you then get the power to do so and move towards the future don't let someone like him get in your way okay? It's not your character. I can see the strength and love in your heart just like your grandfather in Fairy Tail! Protect them. Gain the power you want with your own hands whether it be through gaining magic or getting stronger.' They smiled at each other.

'What's your name.' The boy asked. 

'Lucy. Yours?' The boy was all to compliant.

'Laxus.' She smiled.

'Unique name.' He nodded. The girl yelped as she felt a pain in her head. Behind her the boy saw his father. The boy punched him until he was out cold. Looking at the frail girl in his arms who was bleeding in the head.

They never knew that when she woke up they'd be separated. The girl wouldn't remember anything.

I shot up in my bed panting like a dog sweat dripping down my forehead. I touched the back of my head feeling the scar. No way...

I knew him?

I knew them all when I was younger?

I saved the beast?

Can't be...

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