Part 20

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"Put me down!" I said as soon as he picked me up.

"No." The whole guild was witness to this.

"PUT ME DOWN!" He just kept walking. People put a cross over their hearts and prayed. The door closed after that as Laxus walked down streets carrying me. It went like that for a good half hour. I found myself back at my apartment. He fell on my bed with me.

"Go to sleep." It was all he said as he had me in his arms. God I must look like a cherry!

"L-Laxus?" He had his eyes closed. Openly I sighed and let my once tense body relax. "Fine. You win this once." One of the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile as I let him hold me close to his body. Why am I with a spark plug again?

It was actually quite easier to sleep this time. The honey scent just somehow made it that much easier to think as well as not. Soon enough my eyes were closed as I myself seemed to fall asleep though I think he fell asleep first. Not quite sure though. There wasn't really anything to dream about in all honesty seeing as the certain thought of the person I call my boyfriends close proximity made it harder to think about anything other than him! Such a travesty! Still the smell of honey filled my nose with it's all to heavenly smell. How many times I think of that scent? All the time! It's just something I can't help but think about! Stupid Laxus driving my sensed mad like this. It's cruelty at it's finest. Sweet torture really.

When I woke up Laxus still had me in his arms. It was according to my clock like eleven o'clock or so.

"Laxus." I nudged his arm which was around my waist. He groaned and shifted causing my body to press up further against his own. Okay my face is not appreciating it at all. His head however found its way to the crook of my neck causing it to deepen.

"Laxus!" I felt him smile against my neck leaving butterfly kisses down my shoulder then up to my cheek. My heart was racing a mile a minute!

"Morning." He whispered in my ear huskily. Damn him! He's so aggravating! "You're blushing again." It only deepened.

"S-Shut up!" I mumbled as I hid my face in his bare chest. It was like this last night to. It's an unnatural sight.

"Nah. I like teasing you to much. It's fun to make you turn red. Besides you can consider it payback for leaving me for two days." He left another kiss on my neck causing me to blush even more than I previously was!

"Stop it. My face really doesn't appreciate it!" He only chuckled as he brought his face to mine.

"It doesn't matter. It's cute." I hid my face behind my hands. "Come on Baby. Look at me. I'm not lying." I moved one finger to look at his face knowing already that he was being genuine. Behind my hands I was smiling.

"How do you always dig yourself out of a hole?" I asked him hands still on my face.

"Move your hands away from your face and i'll tell you." My eyes closed, but I moved them away slowly. Before I could realize it he'd taken my lips with his. He still tastes like honey. When someone kisses you you'd usually react, but not me. I wanted him to kiss me more. Yes in a sense it was kinda wrong but there's nothing I can do about it. At that moment he pulled my waist to his as my hands wound their way around the back of his neck. He grinded my bottom lip in between his teeth. It wasn't really painful more like satisfying. Before I could react he tilted my head back and plunged his tongue into my mouth which at that time was slightly parted.

He'd moved his tongue around like he was a pro though he's never had a girl in his life so I wonder how he's so talented while messing with me. After that one moment he started playing till the point my restraint was cracking. A minute of an intense liplock later he parted from my lips moving his mouth to my neck biting and teasing the skin. A tiny moan escaped my lips as he grinded my skin harder. If I can guess he's like every other teenage boy. A pervert! Again he moved this time down to my collar bone leaving a few marks of his own along the whole area. When he sat up my face was redder than red.

"Consider that punishment as well." I looked away from him mumbling incoherent curses at the built person I could consider my boyfriend. "We have to get to the guild before they think I murdered you." He whispered in my ear pulling we up with him as he put his shirt and jacket back on along with his headphones.

"If only that were possible." I murmured though I felt him pick me up again like a sack of potatoes. "What are you doing?" I asked him calmly.

"While we may be going I plan on keeping you with me today." Oh really? Who let him decide! So very unfair in so many levels!

"Who let you decide what I do? I'm my own person Laxus. You can claim it all you want, but by the rights of my own person I don't have to stay by you!" He just smirked then motioned to the bite marks.

"What do you think the girls are gonna do to you when they see that on you? I can assure you the matchmaking devil will come after you full force with no to PG questions. Do you honestly want to be stuck in that situation?" I stayed silent. Damn his solid logic. Here I was hoping that I could get away but no! He has to be right with his logic.

"I hate you." He just smirked.

"Nah you love me blondie."

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