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Hello Lovely readers, 

Sorry it's been months since I've been on! Junior year has slowly killed me ;-; 

So! To those of you have been patiently awaiting the Lalu book previously promised there It is called A Past to Remember and is up on my thing completely done. Now I may put the books I had promised after that of permenant hold until further notice. I just don't have a lotta time right now however I may throw in some personal books I've written so if you like werewolf, Boku No Hero Academia, Romance, Fantasy, then some of my upcoming stuff may be just right for you! I'm trying to immerse myself into other things not fanfic related, but I do have fanfics I'm editing to put out there for you all.

Again thank you all so much thank you to the 143 people following me and to the hundreds more who have read my books. You have no idea how happy I am! 

Please feel free to leave requests for book though, I'm thinking of making a One shot lemony book so I need idea's. Oh and if you bring a request make sure to send me some holy water please! God knows I need it hahahaha! 


Anyway! Just a quick update! If you're looking for Zerlu, Lalu, or Nalu than there are books up though most is Lalu. What can I say! Addictions are powerful!

Peace out Lovely readers!

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