Part 14

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How could they? I met the Master's eyes about to rush to his side when a bolt of thunder hit the ground in front of my feet as I was about to. Now I was pissed. I turned my eyes to Sparky who sat on the edge of the stage eyes trained on mine. Stone. That was Ever's thing. When I looked at her her eyes flashed with a tinge of guilt and as quick as it came it vanished. How could she! They were her friends! I was her friend! They were our friends no they were out family!

"Sparky!" I growled at him as he smirked. This isn't good. My magic aura will rise if I use my powers to fight him and everyone will know who's fighting.

"Sorry Blondie. Don't interfere with my business." My cheek twitched as my fists clenched.

"I will interfere if it's for my families sake!" I jumped away from the next bolt that was about to hit me. The guild was amazed at my audacity. Laxus smirked. He threw the next bolt at Mira. I jumped in front of her taking the lightning full force as Mira caught me as I fell.

"Listen up! We'll be having a thing I like to call the Battle of Fairy Tail. Suiting name isn't it?" Juvia, Erza, Wendy, Cana, they're all stone! What am I supposed to do! "There are lightning Lacrimas all over the city it's simple of you don't defeat me within i'll day two maybe three hours then I will set them off. Bye Bye Magnolia!" He smirked devilishly. "Or Gramps can hand me the guild. Your choice. Enjoy the fighting." They disappeared in a flash though Sparky was looking at Mira holding my very injured body clenching his fists. He did this to me so he has no tight to be mad

"What are we going to do Master!?" Asked Jet. I needed to move.

"All I can do to portect you all," He had a pained look. "Give him the guild." I growled as they turned to me. I used a counter to stand up.

"No." Even Master was shocked. "No. You will not. We are Fairy Tail. We fight because it's our family. Even if we fight each other we forgive. We don't give up because Fairy Tail doesn't know the meaning of giving up. We make our own destiny our own choices. No one not even Laxus can decide that for us! And I sure as hell won't let Sparky ruin his life and this guild because he's being stupid!" People started saying thing's like Yeah Lucy's right! We make our own choices. "SO tell me Fairy Tail. Are we gonna let Laxus win!" They all shouted no. "No matter what we have to do! We will stop him." I  shouted as they went out and I collapsed to my knees cringing at the pain. Mira rushed to my side. Gajeel and Natsu were out cold.

"Lucy!" My body ached.

"Master do I have permission to use my full power?" He looked at me and sighed. Mira and Levy looked confused. 

"I suppose. You must be the one to stop him Lucy. I allow you to use full strength." I smirked and raised my magic power healing my wounds as Levy and Mira backed up against the wall. My blonde hair grew out to my feet as a set of armor covered my body as my hair began braiding itself. One black sword and one white sword were in each sheath. I turned to the two girls one of my eyes had turned grey like my fathers.

"I'll get Evergreen and bring her to you as soon as possible Master. They can see and hear everything but they cannot move. As soon as you have her use any means necessary to turn them to normal. I suspect Erza will come out soon her left eye being fake the spell on her should only be temporary." Master nodded as I opened the guild doors ignoring the bewildered looks from the other members at what they'd just seen.

"Save my grandson Lucy." Master whispered. I smiled.

"If I don't save Sparky who will." I murmured.

Up in the air the three mages who served under Laxus watched in fear as every step she took left a slight crack.

Third Person View

The three watched as she ran through the challenged they'd put up like they were nothing.

"I never knew Lucy was this strong..." Freed said.

"Cheerleader is terrifying." Said Bixlow.

"This is why Laxus told her to stay out. He's scared of Lucy, but he also cares for her which is why he told me to make sure she wasn't there." Ever said watching her Best Friend cut through another monster. 

"Her power..." Freed said. "It's so suffocating. Just what is she?" Laxus was watching fro far away as his eyes trailed the Blonde mage everywhere she went. Out of the hundred some odd who started only a good fifty or so remained.

"Lucy..." Laxus said watching her run through the town trying to find him but failing as she looked worried and pained.

"STUPID SPARKY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" She screamed to the sky hitting a tree so hard it cracked. It was true that he'd hurt her. He'd never forgive himself for hurting her. It was painful as he had to watch her ram through every challenge that was set up for her. He knew that his underlings were looking at her with such amazement as well as fear.

"They have every right to fear Lucy." Laxus said to himself in the abandoned church. He's waiting for her after all he knew it would be her who he had to fight and he wouldn't have it any other way. 

Laxus smiled softly as the girl fought time and time again. She saved him and he could never save her. It pained him to think about.

This girl. Lucy. She was unique and everything he cared for.

This girl was the one he wanted.

She was the one he loved.

She was the one who needed to defeat him.

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