Part 28

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So they moved in with me a good month ago and it's been a happy month. I'm not complaining! However I have to travel to the magic council and take Lucius with me because I want to. Now that Gramps believes i'm ready he's decided to let me take over the guild and with a little help everybody seems to be okay with it now seeing as everyone's changed.

"Well Laxus we should be off. Some of the boys are coming with. We'd take the girls but Lucy and Wendy are on alert in case one of them goes into labor so none of them can come along. Natsu, Grey, Freed, Bixlow, Elfman, Gajeel, and Luke! We need to get going!" The boys came as we left Macao in charge along with Erza until we got back.

"Yea Master we know! We're just saying goodbye to the girls as well as Macao and the others all of whom waved goodbye to us in a nice manner though Lucy gave me a nice long kiss like many of the others did to their either Fiance's or boyfriend's

"Be safe and keep our baby out of harm's way. I mean it!" She poked my chest placing a kiss on top of our baby's head where he had gained a little more fuzz.

"I wouldn't put him in danger for the world you and I both know this! Put a little faith in me babe! I'm somewhat of a smart man." She smacked my arm and in return I smacked her ass making her yelp a bit as the guild laughed while she just glared at me wanting so badly to retort at my actions but not doing so since she was not only in front of kids but in front of our son who can still hear.

"You are so lucky that our son is in your hands or I would be kicking your butt farther than the eye can see." She said devilishly in my ear as I just shrugged and caught her with one more kiss.

"You love me to much to want to get rid of me. Don't deny that my dear." I played with a loose strand of hair that strayed from her pony as she blushed and murmured about hating the facts that were in her reality. Oh sweet victory how much I love you! She stomped on my foot making me wince as the girls laughed and went inside.

An hour passed as we walked to the train station Natsu and Gajeel looking mighty sick as soon as it started in motion, but then again they so get motion sickness! The achilles heel to a dragon just happens to be transportation. Why? No clue. I don't get it, but then again no ever has it's the nature is life and that is also the way of a wizard. Can't have one type of magic without something getting in the way of things not that it matters after all nothing is really as it seems! I don't really care though. I don't have that achilles heel.

"Why don't you get sick Laxus?" Luke asked. I forgot my all to annoying brother-in-law to be is here. I smirked as it seemed the other two were indeed paying attention.

"I'm a second generation dragon slayer. While they were taught by real dragons I was implanted with a Lacrima which gave me the powers of one. I got them to originally protect my family and your sister but was easily corrupted by the power seeing as she no longer remembered me. I was upset and as you can see began getting a bit more crazy as the days went on. What can I say! You're sister was a special person in my life." Natsu and Gajeel looked jealous of me. This thing was supposed to last one or two days nothing too major.

"Well my boy, let's hope the council can see how wonderful you've become. I certainly hope they can because you have indeed changed since that battle a year ago." I smiled at my Grandfather keeping my cooing baby close to me as we traveled on down the tracks towards the council building.

"I could care less about what they think of me. I have a family, a future that i'm ready to race towards, and a guild that I seem to have mended in with. There's nothing that they can do to try to even bring me down a peg. Besides! Jellal's one of the members and has personally seen what i've done. I don't think I need to worry too much." Lucius was playing with the cord on my headphones though I kept a close eye on him while he was doing so.

"I guess that's true. May be one of the reasons they were so willing to let us have this meeting." Luke said as he played with his nephews toes one by one making him laugh as he tickled the bottom of his feet. "I just want the best for this guild that my sister seems so happy with. If you know what's best Laxus you'll keep my sister happy or it'll me who personally comes to beat you." I knew he was ll to serious with his words which in a sense scared me a bit though not so much as to deter me from being with her.

"Never in my right mind will I ever hurt her. She is the person that has all my love. Every last bit of it belongs to her and her alone. Lucy and Lucius are my life, my future, my heart. Nothing not even your all to threatening ways can deter me from making her my wife." Luke smiled and leaned back seeming satisfied with my response.

"As long as that's the case it's okay with me to let her become that. Don't make me regret my decision to let you have her in you future or I will personally make you regret it Laxus. My sister is not one I will let you play with!" Inside this made me happy that they were this close as family. Nothing mattered to him but his sister which made me curious as to why? I won't pry though. It would be rude to do so to him as well as Lucy.

After that we either all talked or slept. I personally had to stay awake so my baby would stay with me. Lucy to be honest was worried to let him go with me after all he was only a month old, but I would take care of him! I made a promise to her and to myself to raise him like I never was to raise him in a way that he would have the compassion and free will that his mother taught me to have.

"Welcome Makarov. I see you've brought Laxus and the others. Who's this little thing?" One of the saints asked softly cooing with the little babby Lucius.

"That's my great grand-son Lucius." They all went silent as I looked anywhere but at their shocked faces.

"S-So what. I have a life you know! Besides that she's my Fiancee doesn't that give us a right to have a child?" They all chuckled while they ushered us into the room.

Let's hope this goes well!

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