Part 11

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I debated. Go to the guild or stay home and wallow. I choose the guild. Master needs to explain this to me and I need to look as the infirmary records from thirteen years back. When I got there the look in my eyes made everyone fall back as I slammed open masters door with the infirmary records I had checked. 

"Explain. Now." He chuckled nervously.

"You know don't you? What happened to you?" Oh yeah I do.

"If you mean the whole I saved you grandson from being killed. Then yes. Yes I do." He motioned for me to shut the door.

"I know of your powers. I always have. I knew that the training was imperative to you. I knew you could wipe out the whole town. That didn't matter. Laxus was adamant on making sure you stayed here when you joined the guild." Master went through his papers. "You were injured and for that I was angry I thought it was Laxus. Then he told me what happened and I wanted to give my son a good lesson." He placed a photo and medical records in front of me. "We tried to find your parents anyone really. But we couldn't. Your blood was different from that of a regular human. There was Demon blood, Dragon blood, Angel blood, God's Blood, there was so much mixed in that we couldn't tell who your parents were." I froze up.

"But that's not possible. If all those blood clashed plus the ones you didn't mention then I should be dead." I said confused.

"I thought that to. I was so confused about it all! There was no way that you could've lived with it all. It was an impossible thought! Unless," He looked at me. "Unless they used their blood to save you when you die. As well as testing and genetics from your parents. You weren't a monster you were more human though something in you was different. You gained hereditary traits from your parents but my guess is you died once before and they used the God's blood and Angel's blood on you. They probably injected the rest into you after stealing you from your parents. You're a genetic miracle as well as you were before the training a ticking time bomb. I understood the situation and did what I could to make you safe. Laxus wasn't the only one who wanted you safe. As soon as I realized my mistake I tried to get you back from adaption but somebody had already taken you. Laxus left he was mad at me at himself. He cared for you more then one can say," I felt a tear on my hand as master was crying to. "When he came back he'd become a dragon slayer. He became so aggressive and cruel. I couldn't save him. He just wanted you. It was all that mattered to him." He looked me in the eyes. "I wanted to tell you so many times, but I didn't know how. That and Laxus didn't want you hating him." How could I hate someone I saved?

"Me? Hate Sparky? Ain't that a thought!" I smiled.

"Yeah it's a thought alright." Master said. "What are you gonna do now?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I want to tell everyone what I am who I am, but i'm scared. I should probably knock some sense in to Laxus," My smile faded. "I need to take this all in first. I'll be back tomorrow. This is to much for one day." As I walked down I was silently crying ignoring the worried looks as I clutched my arms. I'm suffocating inside. Natsu tried to touch my arm but I took a step back. "Please don't Natsu." People were shocked. "I need to be alone right now."

He nodded sadly and stepped away. I walked out the doors sobbing like no tomorrow. It was painful. My past. It's so twisted. I need a drink really badly. My tears dripped off my chin as I looked up to the rain letting it cover my face. I collapsed to my knees in an empty street and sobbed until I felt like there were no tears left. Why!? Why does it hurt do much!?

I'm alone. There's no one else like me in the world. No one could know my pain. Was there ever really a choice? Was my life decided before I had a choice. Who was I exactly?

"You're someone no one can understand." I looked up to see a cloaked figure.

"How would you know!? Your life wasn't torn from you!" He smiled. 

"I know who you because i've watched you grow up. Watched you smile and age. Ever since you were a baby. Your mother as well as father I knew. They were worried for us so they had us put to sleep." His words held no lies. I could tell.

"How long were we put me to sleep for?" I whispered as I heard the pounding footsteps.

"Almost three-hundred-fifty years." Why? Why was I put to sleep.

"Who am I?" Voices were behind me looking for me. I stood up. "WHO AM I!? IF I'M NOT LUCY THEN WHO AM I!?" I could sense Laxus, Master, and my friends.

"You're not like them. You are human but you are also a monster." Beat, Beat, Beat. It filled my ears.

"I'm a monster?" I fell to my knees again as he leaned down to me.

"Yes. You're human but you are also a demon, an angel, a dragon slayer, a god slayer, so much magic is packed into your body and you've mastered controlling it. Tell me," I heard them shouting my name. "Do you want to know your past? Who you were?" I looked into his eyes.

"You can show me?" He smiled. 

"I can. And if you let me I will." I looked at him full of hope.

"LUCE! LUCY-CHAN! LUCY! BLONDIE! BUNNY GIRL!" I nodded to him as he picked me up in his arms opening a portal. Sparky ran faster but by the time he got there I was gone. I need my past to know what my future can hold.

I'm sorry.

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