Part 13

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(Beginning  of the battle of Fairy Tail)

I was questioned and questioned like there was no tomorrow so I left it to Luke to answer though he knew not to tell them our parent's name's, our powers, or out ages. That would make things quite messy. We sat at a table together as he'd just received the Fairy Tail guild mark which he seemed to like. He lives in fairy hills boy section just like most do. 

It was oddly quiet though. Kinda weird. We had a contest today but I decided to stay out of it knowing my brother would strongly disagree. Though it is natural with him always being so over protective of me. It's been two weeks since we've introduced him but in that time I haven't talked with Laxus about our past. Who exactly is he to me? 

A frequent question I ask myself every chance I have! It's a wonder he didn't kill me when Luke and I got back. Come to think about it, we haven't seen any of the thunder legion have we? Ever was gone this morning and the boys were just not here. Laxus I understand, but Freed and Bixlow? That's not a settling thought. Maybe they're on a mission. It's all to possible.

Master was in his office working on his paperwork as he usually is not that anyone minds it after all we are quite a rowdy guild so in a sense we do mind because it's kinda our fault that he's cramped up in his office half the time. 

"Hey Mira," I said walking up to her. "Have you seen anyone from the Thunder Legion lately?" She shook her head as we both looked around. It's so weird. Laxus is usually always here so where on earth could he be now? Luke sat by me as we talked with Mira. The competition was to start soon and she wasn't allowed to participate cause she'd be the sure fire winner of the prize money which a lot of people were in for.

"Odd. You would think that Ever would at least be here. I bet she's just getting ready for the contest though I don't remember if she entered those documents are with master and I don't think we want to bother him with the amount of paper work he has at the moment." Mira said cleaning another glass. Wendy was participating along with Cana, Erza, Lisanna, and a few others whose names I need to learn. Four years takes a bit of a toll. Master still has to sort out the paperwork on me! Though that's a more private matter that became difficult with my brothers arrival.

"Relax sis. Why's he so important anyway? Got a crush on him or something? Wait don't answer that! I don't want to have to think about him being my brother in law one day!" Luke tried to squish his head making Mira get hearts in her eyes.

"BLOND BABIES! TELL ME NOW!" Mira said shaking me as if it was the last time she ever could.

"I don't know honestly. He's a nice guy on the inside, but he's rugged and cruel when it comes to facing a problem. Do I love him? As I said I don't know. It's hard to tell when he never expresses his thoughts or feelings. There's always the possibility that he hates me." Though I highly doubt it. "We never really talk so I can't expect him to have any feelings for me. It's a silly idea! Sorry Mira." She started pouting. Do I love Sparky? I don't know anymore. Maybe?

Ugh! It's all so confusing. Love or not, how could we make something like that work! He was the one who was adamant on me staying after I joined, but for what reason could he make a decision so firm about it and have Master agree! An answer I need and can't find though it is the way of life to need to search for those answers. I can't complain about it or i'll just make myself sick with worry! That's not something that I need or want. Luke was staring at me as I had a pained expression on my face.

"Sis? Are you okay." I smiled and nodded. Something's off though. The air is quaking and no one else seems to feel it. What's going on to make the world reek of fear? I'm confused. Who's making the world this way?

"When's the competition start?" I asked Luke. He looked around.

"I think in fifteen maybe thirty minutes? Not sure but from the excitement that's what it seems." I smirked. Perfect amount of time to pull Master out of his office to actually have some fun!

"I'll be right back." I walked into the Master's office who was drowned in papers grumbling something about stupid council members? "Master?" He jumped up looking at me. "Why don't you take a break. You look like you could use it. The Miss Fairy Tail competition is about to start!" He smiled and darted out of his office. I looked back at his papers. "Poor Laxus this'll be him one day." With that I laughed to myself shutting the door.

Master was siting criss cross on a table watching the girls perform their tricks as well as their clothing choices which gave boys nose bleeds. This made me laugh a I saw Luke eyeing up Cana. I looked at Mira who nodded at me looking between the two who were ogling each other like they were the perfect eye candy!

 I laughed as the curtains closed and judges started judging. When they finished we were expecting the curtains to open up without any problem with no fault. We thought we'd see the girls smiling waiting for the outcome of the Miss Fairy Tail Competition! It's not what we were greeted by.

They were all stone statues and how it happened?

In front of us with smirks on their faces...

Was the people we'd not seen once all day.

The Thunder God Tribe.

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