Part 21

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When we got there he sat me on his lap as Mira was looking at my neck with a fire in her eyes while Levy and Gajeel dropped a book and a glass. Master was hoping around yelling something along the lines of 'I get to see another Dreyar generation!' Natsu was laughing with Lisanna. Erza and Jellal were smiling and Freed was silent. Ever had the 'Their so cute it's adorable!' look in her eyes. Bixlow wasn't even surprised.

"Told you Mira would try something." I crossed my arms. I hate to admit when he's right, but this time? I admit to the fact that he is right after all she was looking at me like I was fresh meet though Erza and Jellal got the same looks...

"Shut it Sparky!" I murmured. It's so stupid! I'm gonna die! "I didn't ask you to do that! You did it not me. This is on you." I said leaning back into him as his smile only grew.

"Sure it is." Sometimes I love the idiot sometimes I hate him. It's just that kind of relationship. What now huh?

Watching her get all flustered made me laugh inside. I love this woman. Blondie is perfect for me. I mean I would've let her go to the girls but then Mira probably would've ended up killing her with the questions she asks. I've seen what she's done to Elfman and Evergreen! Even Cana and Luke who were by the way looking at us like we were crazy.

"Why is it that your brother dislikes me?" I asked her curiously.

"No clue. I think it's just his nature. Who really knows though!" We both laughed at that main fact.

"So when are you gonna tell me?" I wanted to know what the job was that she took. Her magical power was pretty depleted when she got back.

"Tell you what?" She was confused.

"The job you took that caused you to leave me for two days? What was it." Her eyes lit up in realization.

"Oh! We went to slay a pack of nasty wyverns wrecking some city. Speaking of which I need to give something to the Master! I'll be right back." With that she pulled a box off a shelf and ran to the Master. They talked for a while then he handed her a few of the items. He then headed over to Team Natsu as well as the non members who were friends of the group.

"What are those?" I asked when she got back.

"The reason we were gone two days instead of a few hours is because I was forging communication rings!" Communication Rings? We looked at her. "I forged them out of wyvern scales. Basically when you want to tell someone something whether it one person or a group you just focus on the ring and the person! The magic will react with the wizard and send what needs to be sent over long distance! Master told me to give these to you!" Ever got a light lime green color. Freed got a black one, Bixlow got blue, I got Lightning Yellow, and on her hand you could see the flashing colors of the rainbow. "The color only just finalized as it responds to the color of your magic." Makes sense. "This way if you're in trouble Master can alert the guild or one of the ones with the rings can!" It was a smart idea. I pulled her back onto my lap.

"You're too smart for your own good." I whispered into her ear. "You do know that right?" A smile graced her pouty shaped lips.

"I know. You love me for it." This made me smile though we weren't paying attention to those around us watching.

"Yes. Yes I do." I said giving her a quick peck to the lips. She was perfect for me to love!

"LALU IS CANNON!" Mira had a camera out with a picture in her hand which she was pasting in the photo album. We didn't care just laughed at it.

"Yes Mirajane your ship has come to life! Just like Nali and Elgreen. We get it already." Lucy said motioning to the couples around the room. Though it was true she'd been waiting for me and Lucy to get together since she joined the guild!

"Yeah well do you know how long she's been waiting for us to get together Babe?" I whispered in her ear.

"N-No. I'm afraid to hear the answer." Oh boy.

"She's been waiting since the moment you walked into the guild." Her face reddened as she turned into my neck so it couldn't be seen. I stroked her hair with my available hand as I shifted songs through my headphones with the other. Mira was taking more pictures. She has a matchmaking photo album so yeah let's just say there would be a whole new section on Lalu as she called us.

"Laxus? Why do you think it is that being together feels right?" Her voice held such confusion and honestly I was just as confused! It's okay though. It's not really a disappointment.

"Because we love each other. I mean come on your smart, beautiful, kind, and perfect for me in every way! To me I can't be without you. Not knowing your safe hurts which is why i'm glad we have these rings now." She smiled into my neck.

"Yeah. I love you to Sparky." People were awing as Mira was on the ground twitching photo after photo plaguing her camera roll.

"I'll show you what loving is one day." I whispered seductively in her ear causing her body to stiffen visibly.

"P-Pervert." I love frustrating her to the brink of insanity. One of my many all too agitating hobbies.

"I don't deny it. I am one. But i'm yours and yours alone. Be happy that i'm not a player pervert." She laughed a bit more. I love her laugh. I love her smile. I love the scent of Strawberries and Vanilla that I smell when she's around. She's to perfect for me.

I'll love her forever and always after all...

She's mine to love.

She's mine alone.

I won't let us drift apart.

She's special in that way.

I love Blondie.

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