Part 12

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I woke up alone in a white room. Looking around you couldn't see anything.

"Zeref!" I looked down to see what was Mavis hugging Zeref. "Look! Look at it! It's so pretty." She said looking at the sakura tree.

"It is isn't it?" He smiled kissing her forehead. "Like you huh?" She blushed ferociously.

"Stop it!" Her face was redder then red.

"I can tease you! I'm your future husband after all." She only blushed more.

"I know! Still it's mean to tease me! I thought you loved me! If you did you wouldn't do that to me!" She said smirking at the teasing Zeref.

"Do you wonder what our child's going to be like?" He asked putting a hand on her belly.

"I do. I want to know him or her. The one thing created out of our love. Amazing isn't it?" Mavis said smiling at him. He nodded smiling at her. 

"It is. I can't wait to raise our child. I want to! Being a father is a dream come true. Especially since it's with you." I was confused but the image faded.

"He fell in love with Mavis." The man was there smiling. He had blond hair and Grey eyes. "And she with him. They conceived a child. What they though was one? Was two. Inside of Fairy Tail's first was the offspring of a dark wizard before he lost to the dark." He smiled.

"They had children?" He nodded at me.

"A boy and a girl. Mavis loved them so much. She acted like a mother and Zeref like a father, but that was before he was cursed to live forever without love." His hands clenched up in fists.

"Cursed? What happened." I asked. He looked at the screen.

"Zeref!" A shouting Mavis shouted holding the three year old infants. Monsters galore were attacking the place they called home.

"Mavis stay inside!" People fought. Zeref had blond hair and blue eyes like in the first images.

"But-." He cut her off.

"If something happens you need to take care of our children!" Zeref pleaded as he fended off another wave of attacks.

"You stay alive you hear me! As your wife I forbid it!" She said tears in her eyes as she ran into the building.

"I can only promise that i'll try." It stopped.

"He fought and fought, but he was overcome and used a forbidden spell. It cursed him with the most painful curse ever. Immortality." He said. "While he would never age his wife would grow old as would his children. During the attack Mavis was overcome with monsters. She put her children into a chamber with a spell of sleep. It sucked her magic away slowly until when she was in her twenties she died and her successor took over Fairy Tail. The children's names?" He looked at me. "Were Luke and Lucy." 

"Not possible. If we were born from them then why? Why did no one know?" I asked him with curiosity.

"They did but they didn't want anyone to know that Zeref's bloodline still raged on. His hair turned black and eyes grey so we weren't exactly prime suspects. When I woke up you were already gone. The machine said you woke up a day prior to me. I couldn't find you after that." He whispered. "You died in the machine so it's health measures kicked in and dosed you with many types of magic blood. It did the same to me in turn. You're not alone sis. Someone has powers like you. I'm not leaving you again. Not after i've found you." I looked at him. He did look like me sure as heck smell's similar. 

"Can we go back now? My guild is probably after your head right now?" He chuckled nervously.

"Probably. So how do you explain to them that you're you know," He scratched his head. "Kind of three-hundred-fifty years old give or take?" I sighed.

"WE say nothing." I said with a death glare.

"Okay." He said opening a portal back to the street we were on. It was sunny.

"How long were we gone?" He shrugged.

"A day or two." He said hands behind his head. I laughed.

"I'm so dead." I said praying to god no one has noticed i'm back yet.

"Luce!" To late! I grabbed Luke's hand and ran.

"We're dead! DEAD I TELL YOU!" I said as we ran. Natsu had Erza and Grey with him. Grey went to tell others while the other two chased.

"Want me to get us out of here?" I glared.

"NO!" I said. Pulling him around the corner.

"Aw but sis!"I glared pulling him down another Alley and into the forest.

"Memory don't fail me now!" I prayed.

"LUCY HEARTFILIA! STOP THIS INSTANT!" Erza shouted with now basically all of the guild.

"Get ready to swim Luke!" I shouted as I dashed of the waterfall cliff diving down while he sat criss cross laughing.

"This is fun!" I smirked right before hitting the water. We swam to the shore. The guild looked at us if we were crazy. I grabbed his hand again and started running again.

"BLONDIE!" I gulped and ran faster.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I screamed heading deeper into the forest.


"LUKE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He smirked and picked me up bridal style and dodged the trees like a pro using ice to run across a lake. When he go to the rock ledge he used gravity magic to make himself light and hop up." They were all watching angered.

"Why are you running from them sis?" He asked me setting me down.

"They think you kidnapped me. They would smother me and jail you." He paled.

"I don't like that idea." He said.

"Neither do I!" With that we looked down to see them yelling.

"Should we just tell them?" He asked. I shrugged. Sparky was twitching. I laughed hysterically at the irritated guild. Master raised an eyebrow but looked at Luke's blank face then mine. We looked similar us being twins and all. He motioned between us then Mira and Elfman as to say 'Are you siblings?' I nodded. He laughed out loud as he called them off.

"CAN I COME DOWN NOW?" I screamed. Master nodded as I tossed Luke over the cliff following after him. He landed on his feet and caught me.

"LUCY-CHAN!" Levy tackled me instantly.

"Luke! A little help!" I asked as he pulled me up and I smiled.

"WHO IS HE!?" Everyone shouted.

"Oh! Him?" I said. "My brother." While that was said I was trying to pry Levy off of me.


"Oops! Did I say that out loud?" They sweat-dropped.

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