Part 16

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I was amazed with Lucy. She swung and swung nearly cutting Laxus.

"L-Luce?" Natsu was full blown shocked. "How does she have so much power."

"Angel Slaying: Heavenly Blade!" We saw a glowing blade form in her hand decorated with jewels along the hilt. "Give up Sparky! You're only going to get hurt!" Natsu and I sat in the back watching as to avoid getting injured. Laxus grabbed a sword that was on a little badge like thing. He charged it up with electricity clashing it against Lucy's blade.

"What's this? Aren't you the one who said you'd be disappointed if you didn't have to fight me?" He said looking at her in amusement.

"Maybe I was! But I can't keep hurting you! Do you understand that it's not just you who get's hurt through this!? What about Bixlow, Ever, and Freed! Do they mean nothing to you!" Laxus flinched.

"Shut up! They mean everything to me!" So he had a heart.

"Erza shouldn't we help Lucy?" Natsu asked fists clenched.

"She can handle it." A voice said. We turned to see Mystogan.

"Mystogan!" I shot up and store at him. "Why are you here!" Lucy swung at Laxus with her fist letting it connect with his jaw making him fly between Mystogan and I into a wall after hitting a few benches.

"MOVE IT!" She shouted lunging at Sparky. We did. She punched him time and time again tossing him to the end front of the cathedral. She had a few scrapes on her body. Must've happened when we were talking.

Laxus got up clearly angered as he shocked Lucy with the electricity making her wince and fall to one knee. He smirked but she got up screaming.

"I WON'T LOSE! I CAN'T LET YOU BREAK OUR PROMISE!" Laxus' eyes widened as she let her armor off and clatter to the ground.

"Steel arms!" She muttered. Our eyes widened as her arms turned to metal. "IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER THEN LET ME REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!" Once again she charged as we heard a deafening crack as her fist connected with his stomach. Blood spilled from Laxus mouth.

"Lucy!" I tried to get her to stop but Mystogan stopped her.

"I WON'T LET YOU FORGET WHY YOU GOT THIS POWER! NEVER! YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO FORGET!" Lucy had tears streaming down her face as she kicked him into another wall. She was so brutal. What does she mean why he got his power? She knows the reason?

"Shut up..." Laxus whispered as she kicked his side.

"You can't forget! Just as I needed to remember why I needed to live you need to remember the reason you fight!" He shook with rage.

"Shut up!" He screamed as she pinned him down.

"WASN'T IT TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVED! TO PROTECT ME!" He stopped moving. We did to. "I saved your life Laxus! I was only five years old but we made a promise and you are going to keep it! You made a promise to protect those you cared about! To be like your grandfather! This isn't who your grandfather is Laxus! This isn't who you are supposed to be!" We were shocked when we saw a tear slip from Laxus' eyes.

"It doesn't matter! I've already betrayed everyone! They all are so scared of my appearance that no one tried to look past it! There's no point in keeping a promise to people who don't care!" Lucy growled.

"So what!? Prove them wrong Laxus! Give them a reason to not fear you! It doesn't matter if you only have one person who cares or a thousand!" Her tears slipped off her chin now. Natsu was watching amazed. "I care about you! Ever cares about you! So do Bixlow and Freed! Erza does! Even Natsu does even though it's through challenges! Mira cares about you! So many people care about you! Do you understand that!" Silence was his response. "No matter how many times you think you've betrayed us don't forget deep down that we all care for you! I always will! You're one of my best friends! I'll always care for you..." Lucy closed her eyes as her grip loosened. "Don't you see that? How much I care? Did you think I hated you?" Laxus' eyes shot open as he stared at Lucy.

"I thought you forgot about that day..." He said to her reaching a hand to her cheek to wipe away her tears.

"I can't. No matter how many times I get hit in the head i'll find a way back to you." Hit in the head? Looking closer you could see the scar on the back of her head. If this is true then this is the girl Laxus brought in those many years ago!

"You can't promise that!" The sound of a hand across his cheek filled the room.

"I CAN AND I WILL! It's not fair for me to forget when you need me to be here! None of it is okay!" Natsu looked at them with such interest. Mystogan was smiling. 

"Were you thinking about that when you left us?" He whispered to her. Lucy smirked.

"I did that do I could keep you all safe. If I hadn't I might've blown up all of Magnolia. Maybe even Fiore." Laxus twitched.

"That would be bad." Lucy laughed.

"Yes it would be." BLOW UP FIORE! All three of our jaws dropped.

"LUCY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT!" Mystogan shouted. Lucy turned.

"Oh hey Jell-" She covered her mouth as Mystogan flinched. Jell? Hmm...

"JELLAL! THAT'S WHY YOU SMELLED FAMILIAR!" Natsu shouted. My hand clenched as a tear slipped from my right eye

"LUCY!" He screamed as she smiled getting off of Laxus.

"Sorry Jellal. It kinda slipped." Laxus was looking at him burning holes through him.

"Let's go Natsu. You to Mystogan. We have an open house to run." Honestly I jut wanted to give them time to sort out their problems while I sorted mine out with Jellal who was praying silently.

Jellal was Mystogan. 

Lucy is stronger then me.

 Laxus feels as if no one cares.

 And we have an open house. 

So much has happened today!

I really think it's a miracle we lived.

I wish you luck Lucy in sorting things out.

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