Part 7 Diary Entry III

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One year. It's all I had left of training after this day! I've become good friends with the three mages over time as they've helped me discover that sometimes life isn't all bad with them! They had their own reasons for doing what they've done, but i'm happy to have met such wizards. That's all I can say about it really. Happiness. They've fixed a tiny hole in my heart the formed when I left my family back in Fairy Tail. It's okay though after all i'm going back soon though I don't think anyone will know with my appearance having changed quite fast. I don't exactly look like a little girl anymore...

My heart is beating faster with every passing day. I wonder how they are because all of the mean people training me refuse to tell me unless they see some improvement in me which doesn't happen a lot considering how much we've advanced with training in the past three years. So troublesome to consider! They never tell me and I can't leave without one of them coming with me! Who ever heard if a seventeen year old girl needing a chaperone! This training is important so why would I run off!? It's crucial to my well being that I don;t think they get.

Sometimes I go out at night and stare at the stars hoping that the time goes faster though it never works. It's painful that's a true fact for everyone to hear about. How Lucy Heartfilia misses her home and the people who made it special to her. People call it weakness I call it strength. That's all there is to it. People would never understand if the real me came out. The one that cares for her Nakama so much that she's go to the ends of the earth to make sure that they were all safe all sound. It's all one can do or hope.

Oh! Did I mention that we'll be traveling around for the last year if my training! I've been stuck in that creepy forest for so long that it's good to get a breather! Jellal laughed when I told him that though when he did I began to tease him about his unrequited love with Erza. It's sweet to see him loving her after all they've been through. What is love though? I've never experienced it so I guess I wouldn't know about it though I hope one day I will it's all I can wish for in my heart that love will someday find me.

"Time to get going Lucy!" Meredy shouted.

"HAI!" To the last of my training.

May it be memorable.

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