Part 26

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It's been a hectic few weeks. First I told Mira I wasn't a virgin anymore and let's just say she fell on the floor muttering more things about blond babies. Well Mira is going to be Mira!

"Are you okay?" Levy asked me. I was a bit nauseous if that's what she meant.

"Fine. Just a bit sick is all." Wendy looked like she wanted to say something.

"U-Uh Lucy? I know what's going on and I-I don't know how you'll take it..." I laughed wondering what she was talking about but was cut off when a certain dragon slayer slung me over his shoulder again!

"NO! Put me down!" He smirked.

"Nah. I have something I want to show you." I sighed knowing I could not deter him from what he was doing.

"Fine. Wendy can you tell me later?" She nodded solemnly as we walked out.

We walked for a long time before I got to a place where I remember meeting Laxus for the first time. I turned to him confused.

"Why'd you bring me here?" He just smirked hands behind his back. I tilted my head but was cut off when he moved on one knee. I think my heart is dying!

"Okay then. If I don't do this now I don't know if i'll ever have the guts to do it." I blinked chest heaving. "Will you marry me Lucy Heartfilia?" I blinked and then pinched myself. He looked at me oddly.

"Sorry. I thought I was dreaming." I smiled a tear falling from my eyes. "Of course i'll marry you you dummy!" I jumped into his arms as soon as he put the ring on my finger.

"Thank god. I thought you would say no." This only made me laugh as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's head back. Something is bugging me with Wendy and you have to be the one to tell people! I refuse to be part of that!" He glared at me but we walked back hand in hand laughing at the little things that he did or I did.

"Well i'm going to talk to gramps. I'll be back in a few minutes." I nodded though I think it'll take more than a few.

"So Wendy what did you need to tell me?" I asked in the corner table where I sat when I wasn't with Laxus.

"I guess I should be blunt about it!" She turned to me and grabbed my cheeks.

"Wendy?" She's confusing me.

I went into gramps office where he sat grumbling about the other guild.

"Yo gramps I got news." He looked at me curiously. "And don't act all butterfly like after I say it." Master groaned as he knew that he usually did.

"What is it Laxus?" Once gramps turned he was shocked to see me smiling.

"I asked her to marry me." His eyes widened. "And she said yes." I think he had a momentary heart blip because he then starting jumping around like a lunatic.

"I've got a great-daughter-in-law!" This made me laugh until we heard a thump outside. When we went I saw Lucy on the ground looking like she just heard the unbelieveable.

"Gomenasai! It's only the truth!" Wendy said bowing.

"Lucy!?" I rushed to her side in an instant while she was mumbling incoherent words!

"Laxus. I've got to tell you something but please don't be like Lucy about it. You to Master." Wendy sighed and said in loud enough of a voice for anyone with dragon ears to hear the most shocking words of my life.

"Lucy-San is pregnant Laxus. I sensed it when I gave her a check-up two days ago." I think my brain stopped working. Natsu and Gajeel shot up.


"I'm gonna be a great-grandad to!" Master fainted as people were confused. I held up the hand that had the ring on it making the guild girls squeal as I just rubbed my temples. Oh lord this couldn't be anymore difficult!

"YOU TWO ARE GOING TO BE MARRIED!?" Mira was taking more and more pictures making me realize that this?

Was a huge mistake.


I was still trying to process the words that just came out of my dear friends mouth. Apparently i'm pregnant...

Mom why aren't you here to help me! This is no fun nor am I happy about this! I mean yes having a child with Laxus is okay considering he is technically my future husband and all, but there's always a downside meaning that i'd be getting more and more emotional by the weeks which wouldn't be so good for those around me that and I would look like a watermelon after a few months which always seem to go by fast!

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the beige ceiling of the guild infirmary which still made me scared at the fact that if I turn my head I might be greeted by idiots.

"You alright babe?" At his voice I turned my head.

"She told you didn't she?" I asked bluntly with a cold voice. He nodded. "I'm scared Laxus." I whispered clutching his hand. "Having a kid at nineteen? This scares me." He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm only twenty-two. You seem to forget that. I'm gonna stay by your side. You're my future wife as well as the bearer of our child. Nothing's gonna change Lucy. We'll be okay! I promise you this, we together can and will have a family, we will make it through the odds and ends of parenthood. I promise you nothing is gonna go wrong after all we love each other this child is proof of that so in my opinion why not have one? Even if it was by accident why not have one?" My heart raised up from it's sad state at his words at their sincerity.

"Promise?" There is so much I want to say and do as a mother as a wife, yet there will always be a limit to the amount of things that I can do. A family? How will everyone react when they figure out that we're okay with it? This should make me mad or upset but it doesn't anymore now that I know he's not gonna leave me for the fact that I am pregnant though I hope our love lasts in all honesty.

"Of course. You are my future Lucy! There's nothing that I wouldn't do if it was with you." I smiled as he traced a circle over my hand. Slowly the door opened and I saw Master who looked giddier than any one person could.

"So," A few heads poked out behind him in the doorway all of them our friends. "When can I expect to see you two actually married?" I blushed and hid my face in Laxus shoulder seeing as I was sitting up as well as the fact I was within a few inches of him.

"Is that all you worry about Gramps?" Laxus had an eyebrow raised a soft smile on his face as his grandfather laughed about it. I was scared. With all the blood I have in my system there is no limit to my childs powers and heck I don't even know how long it'll be since it's born considering each blood sample in me had a different rate at which children were born.

"I'd think you'd want to worry about the child Master," I said behind him. "Each race has a different birthing rate." The two were silent as they paled realizing it could be anywhere from a few weeks to a year.

"What's that mean?" Gray asked calmly. I chuckled slowly.

"It means each child I have could be born anywhere from a few months," They seemed okay with that. "To a few weeks." They froze jaws unhinged.



I could be a melon sooner than later!

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