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You know how they have the whole 'You'll know your about to love.' Yeah well that's me in this situation right now with my less than charming boyfriend staring at me as if i'm the only thing in the world that can stop him from continuing.

Should I?


Am I going to?


I'm way too busy dealing with the fact he's a full blown pervert! That's okay though. I'm fine with being in love with this pervert as long as i'm not the one acting like it.

"You are a pervert." I said as I kept my lips a centimeter from his. He just smirked. As many times as i've said that he I always will call him that after all he takes after his grandfather a little too much for my taste.

"And you are a bit of a vixen. Guess we're even then aren't we?" I just smirked at him as I laughed my ass off knowing that it was a bit true but at the same time not at all! This is just a bit to funny for anyone to completely understand but then again who would ever need to understand a man like him!

"True. But my vixen ways aren't the same as yours Dreyar. I happen to have the charm of an actual lady whereas you," I smirked my eyes closed. "Do not." He glared as he pushed his lips onto mine again making me smile as his hands tangled into my hair my own wrapping around his neck to keep his lips to mine as well as pull him closer. This time he was the one to bite my lips though he grinded the pink flesh between his all to talented teeth.

His tongue glided against my lip causing shivers of pleasure to run down my spine as at the same time he grasped my ass through the silky material I was wearing. My own mouth responded without care as it opened to let it's talented partner inside. Let's just leave out the fact that he may or may not have been teasing me.

As soon as my mouth opened even the slightest his tongue plunged into my mouth tasting every crevice every inch of my tongue. All I could taste was the honey smell that I was so fond of making me want this kiss even more! Damn it! I'm losing my composure already. How can he be so damn aggravating!?

"Are you already succumbing babe?" He said looking at me with the same teasing eyes i've come to adore. This made me smirk as I pulled him by his tie as close to my mouth as possible. It was actually to the point you could feel his body heat.

"You wish I would don't you?" All the reaction I got out of Sparky was a smirk as he threw me over his shoulder. "Eep! Put me down you giant!" He just laughed and smacked my ass making me squeal a bit as my body bounced on the blue sheeted surface. His body loomed over me as I laughed at the change in his composure.

"You told me to put you down. Never specified as to where I should put you down." Smart ass! One laugh later he had his mouth back on mine continuing the kiss that was so suddenly stopped by his own actions. Once again his tongue moved around my own as if they were dancing on an endless song however all good things have repercussions in this case the scorching heat that was being sent down my body.

My hands glided up his back as I was irritated with the fact that for once he actually decided to wear a shirt. He's not as bad as Gray though with those nasty stripping habits! He shrugged off his coat as my hands fiddled with the buttons on the stupid dress shirt. As soon as that was over he pinned my hands down to the mattress not before shrugging of the now abandoned top. With one swift move he attached his teeth to the slender column of my neck leaving way too many kisses along not only there but my collarbone and the crease of my breasts. This only sent shockwaves of heat through my body.

"Laxus..." I moaned out as he hit the crook of my neck. It only made him laugh though you could tell the way I said well more like moaned his name only riled his instincts up which was kinda amusing to watch from this all too serious dragon slayer. One of his hands made its way to my back the other had my face cupped. The sound of a zipper filled my ears as I was already in another intense lip lock with him. Damn it! Every sound, every action, every fucking breath that he or I made only made the other want the other more!

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