Part 23

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Master was holding this whole Grand Party thing as it was requested that it be done before the Grand magic games. It was one of his many new job things! It was tonight actually though i'm required to go being one of the more strong members.

I was getting ready as the party was in an hour or to. Haven't seen Laxus, Ever, Freed, or Bixlow since about two months ago. They got a new mission which I suspect that they'll be back from soon.

"Lucy! You look beautiful!" It was Levy. I smiled. I was in a blue dress that had a slit at the leg with my hair half up half down upper half in bun the lower half curled. The only make up I had on was some lipgloss and eyeliner with a touch of mascara.

"So do you! Trying to impress a certain iron dragon slayer I see." I nudged her arm as I pulled on a pair of laced up white heels.

"S-Stop it! I-I just choose this." Levy was blushing furiously behind Erza.

"Well let's go. Master said Erza and I are required to be there." They nodded as we headed down and into the guild. Master was at a table with the other masters. They stopped when we came in jaws dropped.

"Good Evening Master." He had a bloody nose. I guess our dresses did show quite a bit of curvage. Most guild were staring at us.

"G-Good Evening you three." We laughed as we shrugged and went in towards a chuckling Mira. These stares are so maddening!

"Erza! Lucy!" I don't know how many jaws dropped when they heard our names but it was quite a lot. "You two look positively glowing! Those dresses are..." Let's just say it was a really REALLY loud scream or squeal. I can't tell which one...

"You do as well Mira! Now let's get this party started." With that we all began dancing letting our feet move to the beat. Erza and I were just laughing like school girls making even masters jaw drop considering how serious we are. A lot of boys were looking at us eyes full of what can only be described as lust though we ignored it.

"Oh Erza! Jellal's here!" Erza stopped and turned around her curled hair bouncing a bit as she jumped into Jellal's open arms. He pecked her lips making some of the guys curse.

"Nice of you to join us Jellal." I said arms crossed over my chest though he only laughed. It took him forever to agree to it since the master said he would literally drag him here if he had to. It doesn't look good for a wizard saint to have to be dragged like that.

"Y-Yeah sorry. I kinda realized if I didn't people would be trying to STEAL MY GIRLFRIEND." He made a huge emphasis on the last part making Erza blush. "By the way happy early birthday Lucy!" My birthday was actually in two days but like Laxus he was a busy man.

"Thank you." I said pushing them towards our group where Luke was twitching at my clothing choice a laughing Cana trying to calm him down. We were all laughing when Saber Tooth walked in. I hid behind Mira cause a certain light and Shadow dragon slayer happen to be old friends. "Please don't see me! Pleeease don't see me!" Mira was confused. That's when I heard a squeal and died inside.

"Lucy!" I groaned as I was tackled by Minerva. We were friends but messing with Fairy Tail made me mad and we had to be covered.

"Hi Minerva." The dragon slayers helped me up and we walked away talking with Minerva attached to my waist. Jemma knew me and I knew him as we exchanged a slight nod. Master looked between us as did almost everyone else when I laughed as Min rubbed her cheek against my hip. "How have you all been! It's been a year!" They all laughed at me smiling as I shrugged it off.

"Good. We all missed you a quite lot. Though with the amount of work you have i'm not surprised-" I covered rogues mouth.

"They do not know about that! Please don't make this awkward for me!" Rogue nodded as Sting tackled me in a hug with Lector and Frosch.

"Lucy!" We all laughed as we fell to the ground.

"Geez! What have you been eating!" He just plopped on my stomach again as everyone laughed at my annoyed expression. "THAT'S IT!" I picked him up with one hand holding him over my head and dumped him with an appreciative Jemma.

Levy, Mira, and Erza started trying to drag me away asking a plethora of unneeded questions. After that I just danced with Sting, Rogue, and Luke.

"I'll be right back! I need to take a break. I'm a bit tired. They all nodded as I went down a hall ready to take a break from it all, but unfortunately for me as soon as I tried to go through the door I was pinned to the wall. Stunned. It was how I felt. I couldn't register the face at all cause it was dark out here.

"It's irritating to watch you dance with other men Babe." He had his nose in the crook of my neck as he inhaled my scent shivers running down my spine. I was still happy! It was Laxus who was doing this to me so I jumped up wrapping my arms around him as soon as I was able.

"I didn't know you were gonna be back today! You should've told me!" He just laughed as he sat me on his lap. It was obvious I needed a break.

"I know I should've but I wanted it to be a surprise." This made me smile as I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "And it seems i've done so." He full on kissed me after that as it seemed we were losing time.

"Come on! I don't think I should go back without you! The men are to perverted." He twitched as I stood up taking his hand in my own pulling him up. No one who was outside of Magnolia would have heard of my relationship. What happened with Erza is a prime example!

"Well I was planning on it anyway. I wasn't going to let you go looking as sexy as you do." I blushed as he twirled one of my curls in his hand. "Come on." With that he took my hand as we walked towards a now lively party. Smiling was so much easier with Laxus with me! People were looking at our hands in confusion but we just talked with each other. Ever and Elfman were sitting together both blushing a bit, Freed and Mira were together holding hands, Bixlow and if I recall they said her name was Serena were together. She was a new member to the guild according to master. We had a whole lot of new couples it seems and it's probably cause of the open house.

"You know I missed you right?" I told him hiding my blush. He nodded as he squeezed my hand. It made me smile as I saw jaws drop when I kissed him on the lips for a few seconds before he kissed me back.

"I know you missed me Babe. After all I missed you to." News reporters from other cities had jaws agape as they took pictures of it. This is gonna be a long night.  

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